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于 2011-06-28 发布 文件大小:4385KB
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  vc6+vs2005环境,股票自动交易软件。目前支持通达信版本交易,凡交易平台使用通达信的券商都可使用。实现为使用窗口句柄抓取交易界面窗口完成。使用时需要先打开交易软件,否则无法找到。(vc6+vs2005 environment, stock automated trading software. Currently supports accessible letter version of the transaction, where the trading platform accessible letter broker can be used. To achieve completion of the trading interface window for the window handle to crawl. Need to open the trading software, otherwise it is impossible to find.)





0 个回复

  • Sinproot
    股票投资管理系统,K線線图,添加功能 (Stock investment management system, the K line line chart, add functionality)
    2012-07-29 00:32:38下载
  • DEMO
    完整的股票软件分析软件源代码(类通达信风格) 开发语言:VC++ 开发平台:VS2008 其它的功能和通达信类似,不用多介绍,目前市场上大部分股软都具有这些功能 主要介绍一下特色功能,也是很多人一直在寻找但很难找到的具有二次开发功能的公式平台源代码: 目前很多股软,包括通达信,大智慧等主流软件的公式平台里的函数总有一些不足,所以很多人希望能自己开发扩展自己想要的函数,但又没有源代码,所以只能被动的等上述软件厂商开发.可谓等待绵绵无绝期. 现在这套源代码可以让您自己随意增加公式编辑平台的函数,根据自己的需要开发出自己品牌的股软,非常适合具有在股软行业施展才华的个人及公司.也适合个人研究者根据自己的需要开发出适合自己的软件.(Stock analysis software complete software source code (class letter accessible style) Development languages: VC++ Development platform: VS2008 Other features and accessibility similar letter, not more, at present most of the market shares have these features soft Introduce the main features, but also a lot of people have been looking for but it is difficult to find a formula with a secondary development function platform source code: At present, many software stocks, including accessible information, great wisdom and other mainstream software platform in the function of the formula there are always some drawbacks, so many people want to expand their development function you want, but do not have the source code, so only a passive The development of other software vendors. can be described as waiting for everlasting. The source code can now make free to add your own formula editing platform function, according to their need to develop their own brand of shares of sof)
    2011-08-28 01:32:30下载
  • gp
    说明:  对自己曾经操作过的股票进行分类总结,以便日后再扣操作(Their stocks have been classified operation summary for the days trip operation)
    2013-11-20 08:07:46下载
  • StockControl
    股票控件activx源代码,实现了K线图等技术指标(Stock control ActivX source code, implementation of the K line graph, etc. Specifications)
    2009-03-05 16:06:00下载
  • Bank_Account_Management
    实现银行账号管理,实现账号的注册、修改密码、资金管理、销户等功能(Realization of bank account management, account registration, change passwords, financial management, marketing and other functions households)
    2014-08-06 05:26:21下载
  • Camarilla
    有提示,提示斐波纳契回撤在哪个位置,和当时的价格(There prompts, tips Fibonacci Retracement in which position, and the prevailing price)
    2013-08-24 02:44:04下载
  • yint
    运用c++编程,满足银行排队取票的功能,让这一行为能够更加自动化(Using c++ programming, satisfy the function of the Banks lined up to collect the tickets, let this behavior can more automation)
    2015-06-01 01:27:38下载
  • SStOCKSTooolo
    股票分析工具源码,提供各种基金金的股票数据分析结果 (Stock analysis tool source, offers a variety of fund gold stock data analysis)
    2012-08-25 17:01:14下载
  • tdxDLL
    通达信选股dll源码,支持VS2010,自主开发选股dll,核心算法可加密(Letter Mastery stock picking dll source code, supports VS2010, developed picking dll, the core algorithm to encrypt)
    2014-10-19 07:54:28下载
  • bankrole
    银行排队叫号系统演示开发环境为microsoft visual studio 2005 多线程并行开发 C++窗体应用程序 有mfc基础和vb基础理解实践触发编程(Bank call queuing system demo development environment for microsoft visual studio 2005 multithreaded parallel development C++ Forms application the mfc foundation and the vb basis for understanding practice trigger programming)
    2013-04-03 16:37:08下载
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