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于 2011-08-10 发布 文件大小:2645KB
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  2009年CVPR最佳论文《Single image haze removal using dark channel prior》暗原色图像去雾的算法实现。与原文不同的是本程序没有完成最后matting细化效果的部分,但仍能够达到视觉上可以接受的去雾效果。计算机视觉课程作业。工程运行于VS2008环境,需要OpenCV支持。Debug目下exe文件可以直接双击运行查看结果。(CVPR 2009 Best Paper " Single image haze removal using dark channel prior" to the dark fog of the primary image algorithm. The difference is that with the original program did not complete the final matting refinement part,yet haze-removal result is visually acceptable. Visual course work. This project runs under VS2008 with OpenCV. Double click the exe file under Debug folder to check the final result.)



0 个回复

  • bmpLoader--STL
    VTK读取BMP序列图片实现MC算法面绘制,并且将绘制结果保存为STL格式。(VTK read BMP image sequences to achieve MC surface rendering algorithm, and the results will be drawn saved as STL format.)
    2021-03-12 08:29:25下载
  • leida5.9
    雷达扫描程序,图形界面中显示雷达的运动情况。程序简单。可以学习 (AppWizard has created this spp application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your OpenGl application. )
    2011-05-21 16:53:01下载
  • aam
    用AAM算法进行人脸特征点的标定,即对人脸的眼睛,眉毛,嘴巴,鼻子及脸的轮廓进行标记,此代码标记了68个特征点。(AAM algorithm for facial feature points calibration, calibration of this code is the 68 feature points, see the instance document.)
    2012-10-16 16:12:43下载
  • CvThrehold
    基于opencv实时图像的2值化处理,一定要有摄像头(Opencv-based real-time image processing of two values, there must be a camera)
    2013-11-29 20:29:33下载
  • miyao
    本文提出了基于二维混沌映射的数字图像水印算法,混沌具有随机性、似噪声及对初始条件的极端敏感性等特点。将经过二维混沌映射置乱后的数字水印信号嵌入图像小波域的低频系数,实现了数字水印的隐蔽性、保密性和稳固性;利用二维混沌映射Arnold变换对水印信号进行置乱,不仅增强了水印信号保密性,同时有效提高了视觉上抵抗图像剪切攻击的能力。(In this paper, two-dimensional chaotic map based on digital image watermarking algorithm, Chaos with random noise and the likelihood of extreme sensitivity to initial conditions and so on. Two-dimensional chaotic map will be scrambling after the digital watermark embedded image signal of the low-frequency coefficients in wavelet domain, the realization of a digital watermark hidden, security and stability the use of two-dimensional chaotic map on Arnold transform scrambling watermark signal, not only enhances the confidentiality of the watermark signal at the same time improve the visual image shear resistance attacks.)
    2009-06-28 10:11:45下载
  • imageFusion
    像素级融合实现 pca his,brovery加权融合方法,很不错(Pixel level fusion to achieve pca his, brovery weighted fusion method, very good)
    2010-12-12 13:57:23下载
    RAC法标定程序,适用于单目摄像机的线结构光的标定(The RAC calibration method procedure applies to line structured light calibration)
    2012-10-11 21:38:13下载
  • Moravec
    说明:  在VC中实现了使用Moravec算子对遥感影像进行特征点的提取,缺点是速度较慢。不过提取效果不错!(Implemented in VC using Moravec operator of remote sensing images feature point extraction, the disadvantage is slow. However, extracting good results!)
    2011-03-30 20:47:21下载
  • zhifangtu
    显示BMP图片,并绘制直方图。程序无误,可运行。(Display BMP image, and draw the histogram. Program is correct, you can run.)
    2011-05-17 08:49:37下载
  • threhold-dealt
    关于阈值处理的一部分参考文献,对于图像的二值化等很有帮助,是经过精心选择的参考文件。(References on the part of the processing threshold for image binarization helpful, is carefully selected reference files.)
    2014-08-25 12:03:43下载
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