首页 » Visual C++ » Calc3D-Model-System


于 2011-08-07 发布 文件大小:11146KB
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  这是一款做的一个很不错的模型和骨骼动画系统,其中包含了针对3DS MAX的导出插件的源码,可供朋友们参考。(This is a very good models and a skeletal animation system, which contains the exporter plug-in for 3DS MAX source code, for friends as a reference.)



0 个回复

  • 4_02
    给出了迭代函数系统生成Julia集的代码(In this paper, a iterative function system redraw Julia program source code)
    2013-05-08 09:37:10下载
  • An_example_of_Tetgen
    不是本人编的,转自csdndengpengyong,个人能力有限,望谅解。Tetgen是一个生成四面体网格的开源工具,本实例提供了从网上下载的开源的源码和一个简单的使用的示例,其中附带了Tetgen自带了的一个查看剖分出来的网格的工具TetView.exe,可以运行打开剖分出来的文件查看剖分的结果是否正确。(I was not prepared, carried csdndengpengyong, individual ability is limited, hope and understanding. Tetgen tetrahedral mesh generation is an open source tool, the examples provided from the Internet to download the open source code and a simple example of the use of which comes Tetgen comes out of a mesh grid view tool TetView . exe, you can run out of file viewing open split split the results are correct.)
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  • Combat
    说明:  programa escrito en visual basic 6.0
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  • PersProjDemo
    Teach you the pipeline of 3D object, especially the perpective project
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  • SphereMap
    D3D创建球体并且加贴图的例子,可以用来做星球(Sphere, and add texture to create D3D example, can be used to make the planet)
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  • msvc_at3dx1-2-3
    3D秀字程式,可秀出旋轉立體字 使用visual c++編譯(3D-word programming, rotating three-dimensional characters in 2004 and the use of visual c compiler)
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  • 3dSimulation
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  • CADInnovate12.23.1
    Acis R15,hoops/mfc 12.0, xt12.0 写的一个 图形绘制软件的框架。Vc 2003 平台。 有基本的基于上面所述的组件组成的3D造型的演示。(Acis R15, hoops/mfc 12.0, xt12.0 to write a graphics rendering software framework. Vc 2003 platform. Based on the above basic components described in the presentation of 3D modeling.)
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