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于 2011-08-06 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  thies is about the code generalized sidelobe cancellor



0 个回复

  • MatlabMaterials
    Matlab应用电子书5本,对初学者非常有用。Pdf格式。(Matlab Application five e-books, very useful for beginners. Pdf format.)
    2007-06-09 08:48:37下载
  • SpeechBarkScale
    Speech Noise estimate
    2013-03-15 21:22:44下载
  • sequencedfs
    序列进行离散傅里叶级数变换,画出相位图,频谱图。改变序列长度,然后重复上述过程(Sequence of discrete Fourier series transform, draw the phase diagram, spectrogram. Change the length of the sequence, and then repeat the process)
    2012-10-09 19:48:51下载
  • 蒙特卡洛潮流算法
    说明:  区间蒙特卡洛潮流算法,当输入变量为确切区间变化时,采用牛拉法计算在该输入变量下的电网区间状态值(The interval Monte Carlo power flow algorithm is used to calculate the state value of the power grid interval under the input variable when the input variable is the exact interval change.)
    2021-04-08 16:49:01下载
  • HTK-samples-3.3.tar
    关于HTK-3.3的使用说明及相应的更新说明,内容全面易懂!!(HTK-3.3 on the instructions for use and the corresponding update instructions, comprehensive and understandable! !)
    2009-11-13 10:24:55下载
  • rinexe
    读取rinex格式卫星导航电文,并能将其转化为任意格式数据。(Read rinex format satellite navigation message, and can be converted to any format data.)
    2012-05-18 20:37:21下载
  • 1
    bp_innerloop.m Inner loop of the backpropagtion learning algorithm. One hidden layer. Uses tanh as the transfer function. Uses the following global variables for input and/or output: Inputs1 - input patterns Desired - desired output patterns LearnRate - learning rate parameter Momentum - momentum parameter DerivIncr - increment to the derivative of the transfer function (Fahlman s trick typical value 0.2) Weights1 - first weight layer (updated by this routine) Weights2 - second weight layer (updated by this routine) deltaW1 - initialize to 0 before first call deltaW2 - initialize to 0 before first call TSS - total sum-squared error (set by this routine) Recurrent state
    2013-05-18 03:38:49下载
  • boqingwen
    对二阶rc等效电池模型运用matlab进行最小二乘法在线系统辨识的程序(Equivalent second-order rc battery model using least squares method matlab online system identification procedures )
    2020-09-12 16:28:01下载
  • comm_report
    this is matlab code for ifft , fft example and some of communcation example
    2014-08-19 01:06:51下载
  • ~9Book_MATLAB+simulink
    电子通信系统的建模与仿真 第9章 天线及智能天线仿真 9.1 全向天线的波束下倾 9.2 天线阵的波达方向估计 9.3 天线阵的波束形成?(Electronic communications system modeling and simulation of Chapter 9 of the antenna and smart antenna simulation 9.1 omnidirectional antenna beam antenna array under the dump 9.2 Direction of Arrival Estimation 9.3 Antenna Array Beamforming ?)
    2008-07-27 22:13:58下载
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