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于 2011-08-05 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  Use Metropolis procedure to sample from Cauchy density



0 个回复

  • hardthrdenoise
    小波去噪,包括各种小波变换,去噪效果好,保证可用。 (Wavelet denoising, including wavelet transforms, denoising effect, guarantee available.)
    2010-12-19 21:21:12下载
  • chazhinihe
    说明:  一个利用MATLAB来进行数值的差值和拟合的经典程序,希望能对大家有帮助。(Using MATLAB to carry out a numerical difference and fitting the classic procedure, hoping to be helpful.)
    2010-04-06 08:50:29下载
  • paxmle
    the file contains detection and estimation theroy codes
    2011-04-26 13:41:34下载
  • audio_combine
    利用发生机理进行语音 的合成,并且形成变速不变调和变调不变速的处理方法。(Use of the mechanism of occurrence of the synthesized speech, and forming a shift processing method does not change harmonizing shift.)
    2014-11-16 10:23:12下载
  • target-traking-using-filter-algorthm
    target tracking in wsn
    2011-11-01 22:56:02下载
  • swept-sine-vibration
    基于ANSYS APDL二次开发的航电设备的动力学扫频分析,载荷输入条件为交越频率以下为恒定位移,交越频率以上为恒定加速度。我将加速度输入转换为位移输入,将位移和加速度两段输入载荷统一按照位移载荷输入,将位移存入表数组,利用ANSYS APDL自动将扫频范围内的位移载荷存入表数组,并循环加载计算,实现了该工程结构的正弦扫频振动分析。(Kinetic sweep analysis, load input conditions of secondary development based on ANSYS APDL avionics for the crossover frequency less constant displacement, above the crossover frequency is constant acceleration. I will convert the input displacement input acceleration, displacement and acceleration loads unity in accordance with the displacement of the two input load input, the displacement of the array into the table using ANSYS APDL automatically load displacement within the sweep range of the array into the table, and cyclic loading calculated to achieve a swept sine vibration of the project structure.)
    2013-12-02 13:48:03下载
  • l-p-opf
    matlab ieee modified 30 bus data and pso economic disaptch
    2011-08-27 15:12:27下载
  • Elman
    Elman神经网络:Elman网络是 J. L. Elman于1990年首先针对语音处理问题而提出来的, 它是一种典型的局部回归网络( global feed for ward l ocal recurrent)。Elman网络可以看作是一个具有局部记忆单元和局部反馈连接的前向神经网络。Elman网络具有与多层前向网络相似的多层结构。它的主要结构是前馈连接, 包括输入层、 隐含层、 输出层, 其连接权可以进行学习修正 反馈连接由一组“结构 ” 单元构成,用来记忆前一时刻的输出值, 其连接权值是固定的。在这种网络中, 除了普通的隐含层外, 还有一个特别的隐含层,称为关联层 (或联系单元层 ) 该层从隐含层接收反馈信号, 每一个隐含层节点都有一个与之对应的关联层节点连接。关联层的作用是通过联接记忆将上一个时刻的隐层状态连同当前时刻的网络输入一起作为隐层的输入, 相当于状态反馈。隐层的传递函数仍为某种非线性函数, 一般为 Sigmoid函数, 输出层为线性函数, 关联层也为线性函数。(Elman neural network: Elman JL Elman network is first proposed for speech processing problems in 1990. It is a typical local regression network (global feed for ward l ocal recurrent). Elman network can be seen as having a forward neural network of local memory unit and local feedback connections. Elman network has a multi-layer multilayer structure similar to the network. Its main structure is a feedforward connection, comprising an input layer, a hidden layer and output layer, which can be connected right learning correction feedback connected by a set of " structural" units, the output value of the memory for the previous time, which connection weights are fixed. In such a network, in addition to ordinary hidden layer, there is a special hidden layer, called an associative layer (or contact layer unit) this layer receives feedback signals the hidden layer, each hidden layer node has an associated layer node corresponding connection. The role of the associated layer is fo)
    2015-03-26 22:36:26下载
  • tuxiangfenge
    Matlab的一个自动图像分割文字识别代码(An automatic image segmentation Matlab code text recognition)
    2014-02-07 16:53:04下载
  • ten-importance-means-of-matlab
    包括了matlab灰色预测模型以及其他重要的绘图分析思路(Including matlab gray forecasting model and other important plot analysis of ideas)
    2014-09-22 10:48:39下载
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