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于 2020-07-02 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  帧间差法实现视频对象的分割,进行运动目标的检测小程序。(The frame difference method of video object segmentation, moving target detection procedures.)



0 个回复

  • kalmangenzong
    一个改进的卡尔曼滤波器 用来进行运动目标的跟踪 (An improved Kalman filter used for tracking moving targets)
    2008-08-25 16:56:13下载
  • FreeDiffract
    说明:  基于matlab上的菲涅耳离轴全息记录与再现程序,能对图像进行相应处理得到其全息图。同时能将其再现还原。(Based on the Fresnel off-axis holographic recording and reconstruction program on MATLAB, the hologram of the image can be obtained by corresponding processing. At the same time, it can be reproduced and restored.)
    2020-04-09 15:43:23下载
  • cvpr01_zollei1109
    医学图像配准,医学图像2D_3D配准,基于vc++开发。(The registration of pre-operative volumetric datasets to intra-operative two-dimensional images provides an im- provedway of verifying patient positionandmedical instru- ment location. In applications from orthopedics to neuro- surgery, it has a great value in maintaining up-to-date in- formation about changes due to intervention. We propose a mutual information-based registration algorithm which es- tablishes the proper alignment via a stochastic gradient as- centstrategy. Ourmaincontributionliesinestimatingprob- ability density measures of image intensities with a sparse histogrammingmethodwhichcouldlead to potentialspeed- up over existing registration procedures and deriving the gradient estimates required by the maximization procedure. Experimental results are presented on fluoroscopy and CT datasets of a real skull, and on a CT-derived dataset of a real skull, a plastic skull and a plastic lumbar spine seg- ment.)
    2014-09-09 16:29:28下载
  • dgs2
    matlab环境下 建立单高斯模型,检测出运动的人体,后期经过数学形态学处理,效果很好。(matlab environment to establish a single Gaussian model, to detect the movement of the human body, the latter mathematical morphology after treatment, the effect well.)
    2008-05-22 12:30:36下载
  • lb
    说明:  内含M文件 利用对数比实现,两幅多时空SAR图像变化差异图 (Logarithm figure than the implementation differences )
    2020-10-31 15:29:56下载
  • k-mean
    k-均值算法 做的图象分割实例 (将图片像素聚成三类)(k-means algorithm to do the image segmentation example (poly-pixel pictures into three categories))
    2008-03-13 14:16:47下载
  • WarterShedTransform
    分三种类型实现分水岭算法:一般分水岭分割、使用梯度的两次分水岭分割、使用梯度加掩模的三次分水岭算法(Realize three types of sub-watershed algorithm: a general watershed segmentation, the use of two gradient watershed segmentation, the use of gradient mask plus three watershed algorithm)
    2008-05-21 18:08:03下载
  • H-noise_low_pass_bayer
    说明:  Pixel design for H-noise cal; imageJ platform ; test done
    2020-06-22 16:00:01下载
  • demo_ASIFT_Win
    ASIFT图像特征提取源代码,有测试图片和demo(ASIFT image feature extraction source code, test images and demo)
    2013-01-22 16:54:42下载
  • rotate
    说明:  matlab程序,用于实现对给定图像做的任意角度旋转(rotate a picture by any angle)
    2009-08-05 10:03:18下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104432会员总数
  • 16今日下载