PIC单片机常用模块与典型实例Looking at the range of PIC microcontrollers today, anyone can be forgiven for a sense of complete bewilderment. There are literally hundreds of different devices, offered in different packages, for different applications. Let us therefore try to identify the characteristics that all of these have in common. At the time of writing, all PIC microcontrollers are low-cost, self-contained, 8-bit, Harvard structure, pipelined, RISC, single accumulator (the Working or W register), with fixed reset and interrupt vectors.(PIC programme example Looking at the range of PIC microcontrollers today, anyone can be forgiven for a sense of complete bewilderment. There are literally hundreds of different devices, offered in different packages, for different applications. Let us therefore try to identify the characteristics that all of these have in common. At the time of writing, all PIC microcontrollers are low-cost, self-contained, 8-bit, Harvard structure, pipelined, RISC, single accumulator (the Working or W register), with fixed reset and interrupt vectors.)