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于 2021-04-21 发布 文件大小:144KB
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  抽取子图像: 通过一个随机混沌标签序列从原图像中抽取 对子图像加密:小波变换 ,在高频部分加密 重构原图,把加密好的子图像重新放回到原图像中 (from sub-images : a random chaotic sequence label from the original image from a tradition image encryption : wavelet transform, the high-frequency part of remodeling the maximum encryption, encrypted good son to re-up images back to the original image)



0 个回复

  • fenchatu
    此程序用于画混沌系统的相图及其分叉图,使用时只需要写出相应的混沌微分方程,便可画出相应的图(This procedure for drawing the phase diagram of chaotic systems and its Poincare section, when used only need to write the corresponding chaotic differential equations, will be able to draw the corresponding graph.)
    2021-04-01 10:29:07下载
  • TV
    说明:  全变分模型主要是依靠梯度下降流岁图像进行平滑处理的模型,希望在图像的内部对图像进行平滑,使得相邻像素的差值较小(The total variation model is mainly based on the gradient descent flow year image smoothing model, hoping to smooth the image inside the image, so that the difference between adjacent pixels is small)
    2020-12-12 19:40:20下载
  • xiaobotuxiangfengge
    基于小波分解重构的图像去噪程序 请多指教(Based on wavelet decomposition and reconstruction of image denoising program please enlighten)
    2014-12-17 12:22:41下载
  • segment_ga
    利用遗传算法进行图像分割的源程序.基于matlab平台,适合于一维和二维分割.(using genetic algorithms for image segmentation of the source. Matlab-based platform, in a fit- and two-dimensional segmentation.)
    2006-08-05 19:36:56下载
  • MATLAB Hough霍夫曼直线检测
    MATLAB图像处理 Hough霍夫曼直线检测(MATLAB image processing Hough Hoffman line detection)
    2018-10-07 15:20:38下载
  • imageinpainting2
    基于小波变换的图像修复算法基于小波变换的图像修复算法(Wavelet-Based Image Inpainting Algorithm Based on Wavelet Transform Algorithm for Image Inpainting)
    2021-04-23 20:48:47下载
  • MATLAB_code_of_image_processing
    说明:  该gui函数基本上包括图像处理里面的最基本处理,相当于一个小型photoshop。比如读取文件,几何变换中的垂直镜像,平移,旋转,缩放;正交变换的DFT,FFT,DCT,DST,DHT,DWashT;灰度处理中的反色,直方图均衡,全局线性变换,分段线性变换,指数非线性变换,对数非线性变换;图像增强里面的加噪声,平滑,锐化,伪彩色增强;图像分割里面的灰度阈值法,Robert,Laplace,sobel,prewitt,canny算子边缘检测法;图像恢复里面的直接逆滤波,维纳滤波;图像编码里面的霍夫曼编码,行程编码等等(Basically, the gui functions including the most basic image processing inside the handle, which is equivalent to a small photoshop. For example, read the document, the geometric transformation of the vertical mirroring, shifting, rotating, zooming orthogonal transformation of the DFT, FFT, DCT, DST, DHT, DWashT anti-gray color processing, histogram equalization, global linear transformation , piecewise linear transformation, index of non-linear transform of the number of non-linear transformation image enhancement which increases the noise, smoothing, sharpening, pseudo-color enhancement the gray-scale image segmentation inside the threshold, Robert, Laplace, sobel, prewitt, canny edge detection operator method image restoration inside direct inverse filtering, Wiener filtering image coding inside the Huffman code, and so on Run-Length Coding)
    2009-07-29 10:51:21下载
  • PCA
    应用matlab对多通道遥感影像进行主成分变换,就出含有最大信息量的主成分(Application of PCA matlab multi-channel remote sensing image, containing the principal component of the maximum amount of information)
    2020-10-24 10:47:21下载
    图像的高斯与拉普拉斯金字塔分解,两种方法都有(Image gaussian and Laplacian pyramid decomposition, there has two kinds of method)
    2021-01-27 20:48:42下载
  • UpgradeReport
    利用回转窑生产氧化铝的工艺中,提出了一种新的基于SVR(支持向量回归)的烧成带温度软测量方法。即首先对从回转窑采集到的烧结图像进行预处理,消除噪声的干扰;然后利用大津方法分割出物料区和火焰区,并提取这些区域的图像特征;其次利用基于SVR方法建立的烧成带温度模型计算温度值;参数计算.(The use of alumina rotary kiln production process, a new-based SVR (support vector regression) of the burning zone temperature soft measurement method. That is first collected from the rotary kiln sintering image pre-processing to eliminate noise interference Otsu method and then use the materials division of the district and flame zones, and extraction of image features in these regions SVR-based method followed by the establishment of the burning zone temperature model temperature parameters.)
    2008-05-20 16:07:55下载
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