Matlab Filter Implementation In this section, we will implement (in matlab) the simplest lowpass filter $displaystyle y(n) = x(n) + x(n-1), n=1,2,ldots,N $ (from Eq.$ ,$(1.1)). For the simplest lowpass filter, we had two program listings: Fig.1.3 listed simplp for filtering one block of data, and Fig.1.4 listed a main program for testing simplp. In matlab, there is a built-in function called filter3.3 which will implement simplp as a special case. The syntax is y = filter (B, A, x) where x is the input signal (a vector of any length), y is the output signal (returned equal in length to x), A is a vector of filter feedback coefficients, and B is a vector of filter feedforward coefficients. The filter function performs the following iteration over the elements of x to implement any causal, finite-order, linear, time-invariant digital filter:3.4