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于 2012-06-03 发布 文件大小:29KB
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  一个数据库的理论总结,对计算机相关专业的本科生具有重要意义。(The theory of a database summary of the significance of computer-related professional undergraduate.)



0 个回复

  • asptools
    用于程序人员存放自己的各种代码的工具 1支持数据库备份和导入 2支持程序升级 3资料修改维护方便(For program staff kept their own tools for a variety of code to support one database backup and import 2 support escalation procedures to facilitate the maintenance of 3 data modification)
    2007-11-05 08:20:24下载
  • BOLB
    这是一个采用OLE DB编程处理的上传BLOB类型的二进制数据到数据库的一个实例,实例中使用的BLOB是图片。()
    2008-04-08 10:22:17下载
  • Minee
    这是我自己写的从数据库中读出数据,并显示,并构成不规则三角网的程序,可以在程序中添加约束线。(This is written in my own读出数据from the database and displays, and triangulated irregular network constitutes the procedure, you can add a constraint in the procedure line.)
    2020-06-29 02:20:01下载
  • Adress
    简单的通信录,利用DAO(Data Access Object)应用编程接口访问Access数据库(Simple communication was recorded, using DAO (Data Access Object) application programming interface access Access database)
    2008-04-25 20:00:21下载
  • chep05
    VC++实践与提高数据库开发与工程应用篇第五章代码(VC++ database development and enhancement of practice and engineering application of chapter V code chapter)
    2010-02-11 00:43:17下载
  • kaoshixitong
    一个四、六级考试成绩查询系统,该系统的用户由一般用户和管理员组成,然后不同的用户拥有不同的权限,各自完成各自的管理功能。首先是欢迎界面,然后选择登录,登录的时候首先要判断用户的身份,合法的用户然后进入到系统主界面中,不同的用户看到不同的系统功能。用sql server2000创建后台数据库,然后利用程序设计语言(VB)编写程序实现对数据库的操作。(A CET score query system, users of the system composed by the general user and administrator, and different users have different permissions, each of their respective management functions. First is the Welcome screen, then select the log, log to determine when the first user' s identity, legitimate user and then enter the main interface to the system, different users see different system functions. Background database created with sql server2000, and then use programming languages (VB) programming to achieve operation of the database.)
    2010-05-13 14:33:06下载
  • 管理100
    仓库管理系统简单版(warehouse management system simpler version)
    2020-11-06 11:59:49下载
  • SchoolMIS(ADO+SQL2000+ActiveSkin)
    软件介绍: 编程环境: windows2003 +visual stdio c++ .net Ado + SQL2000 /####################################/ SQL设置: 将在SQL2000下建立schooldata数据库 导入数据文件 导入数据: data目录下有school_back数据库备分文件 操作:用SQL企业管理器还原数据库来导入数据(Software Introduction: Programming Environment: windows2003+ Visual stdio c++. NetAdo+ SQL2000/####################################/SQL settings: in SQL2000 database established under schooldata import data into data files: data directory has school_back database backup file operations: using SQL Enterprise Manager to restore the database to import data)
    2008-03-29 14:06:44下载
  • chaoshishouyinxiotong----anlong
    超市收银系统,基于MFC,数据库用的是Acceess2003,数据源用的ODBC(chaoshishouyin system)
    2014-07-26 22:27:01下载
  • sdushiti
    山东科技大学09年试题A卷 可以参考复习(Shandong University of Science and Technology in 2009 questions)
    2009-07-15 13:34:07下载
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