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于 2021-03-02 发布 文件大小:13KB
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  耦合矩阵旋转MATLAB编码提取切比雪夫滤波器耦合矩阵(coupling matrix rotation)





0 个回复

  • juzhen
    复数矩阵的运算、包括乘、除、加、减、求逆等(Including all operations of the matrix)
    2017-07-22 14:21:04下载
  • Shengjin-Program-Original
    求解一元三次方程的Fortran源代码,自己试了试,可以用(Fortran source code for the three equation of a dollar, you can try, you can use)
    2015-06-24 14:21:41下载
  • ellf
    说明:  巴特沃斯、切比雪夫I和椭圆滤波器设计的源程序!非常难得! 简洁的C语言编写(Butterworth, Chebyshev I and elliptic filter design of the source! Very rare! Concise C language)
    2005-10-26 22:53:24下载
  • fminsearch
    求函数极小值,适用于不带约束的、函数可以为非线性的无约束规划问题的求解(Demand function is minimum applicable to non-binding, the function can be non-binding for the non-linear programming problem solving)
    2009-09-08 10:32:59下载
  • na7
    Orthogonal Polynomials Approximation 数值分析,计算正交基多项式的系数 (Given a function f and a set of m >0 distinct points . You are supposed to write a function to approximate f by an orthogonal polynomial using the exact function values at the given m points with a weight assigned to each point . The total error must be no larger than a given tolerance. Format of function int OPA( double (*f)(double t), int m, double x[], double w[], double c[], double*eps ) where the function pointer double (*f)(double t) defines the function f int m is the number of points double x[] contains points double w[] contains the values of a weight function at the given points x[] double c[] contains the coefficients of the approximation polynomial double*eps is passed into the function as the tolerance for the error, and is supposed to be returned as the value of error. The function OPA is supposed to return the degree of the approximation polynomial. Note: a constant Max_n is defined so that if the total error is still not small enough when n = Ma)
    2011-11-27 11:47:21下载
  • fdtd2dTM
    时域有限差分 2维 完全匹配层 犹他州大学(fdtd method 2D pml perfect mached layed www.ece.utah.edu)
    2012-11-20 08:16:20下载
  • 222
    一个仓本模型计算程序,用于计算奇异态和序参量(a program of kuramotto)
    2021-03-10 22:29:26下载
  • fvm
    说明:  使用有限体积法求解naca0012流场,欧拉方程(Using finite volume method to solve NACA0012 flow field, Euler equation)
    2020-09-07 19:55:02下载
  • 82859165cifa
    编程序,按如下要求来求解n元一次线性方程组(假设方程组具有唯一解)。 (1)方程个数n之值由用户通过键盘输入; (2)方程组存放在“增广矩阵”A之中,而n行n+1列的A存储空间通过new来动态分配,且A的各元素值也由用户通过键盘输入 (Allocation procedures, the following requirements to solve the n-a system of linear equations (assuming a unique solution of equations). (1) the number n of the value equation by the user through the keyboard input (2) equations stored in the augmented matrix A, while n line n+ 1 column A storage space through the new dynamically allocated, and A The value of each element by the user through the keyboard input)
    2011-06-21 22:50:34下载
    说明:  采用电磁仿真软件HFSS进行雷达散射截面(RCS)计算实例.(Monostatic Radar Cross Section)
    2011-02-19 18:03:24下载
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