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于 2007-05-16 发布 文件大小:8KB
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  这篇则是面向对象技术篇,当然还是老调重提!不过我们是利用面向对象技术实现Windows的SDK开发,对于刚开始学习Win32 SDK的VcKbase的朋友们,你们一定可以在此获益!(This is the object-oriented technology, a chapter of course, the old tune again! But we are using object-oriented technology for Windows SDK development, For just started learning Win32 SDK VcKbase friends, you will be able to benefit from this!)



0 个回复

  • viewer
    一个用于显示DEM(数字高程模型)和DLG(Digital Line Graphs )的阅览器,可以从不同的角度观察地图。(Is used to display a DEM (digital elevation model) and DLG (Digital Line Graphs) of the reader, you can view the map from different angles.)
    2010-01-27 18:30:15下载
  • mogeocoder
    jis控件mapobject在vc环境下 示例代码(jis Control mapobject vc environment in the sample code)
    2007-04-25 21:51:56下载
  • creatfaststyle
    演示了如何创建和删除一个应用程序的过程,使你深入了解windows系统中类似的操作过程是如何实现的(Demonstrated how to create and delete an application process, so that a deeper understanding of your windows operating system similar to the process of how to achieve the)
    2007-12-14 19:52:09下载
  • cvisc
    FLAC3D中粘塑性蠕变本构模型,供大家参考进行二次开发(FLAC3D in viscoplastic creep constitutive model for reference secondary development)
    2020-12-09 15:29:27下载
  • grey_edit
    输入提示,vc6.0环境下实现输入框内容提示(Enter the prompt, vc6.0 environment realize the contents of input box prompt)
    2009-03-16 13:03:02下载
  • tMCimg
    说明:  tMCimg,惊醒蒙特卡洛光场分布的模拟,得到生物组织中的光场仿真,(tMCimg Monte Carlo)
    2021-04-18 11:38:52下载
  • Protocol6
    计算机网络选择重传协议,效率达到90 以上,北邮计科计算机网络课程作业(Select the computer network retransmission agreement, more than 90 efficiency, BUPT Jike computer network course work)
    2014-03-31 20:55:07下载
  • description
    这是微软Win8 上宣布放弃Mirror driver之后推荐采用的抓屏技术, 全部基于D3D/DXGI技术, 效率非常高, 并且包含变化区域和屏幕鼠标光标。它的缺点是没法抓取某个窗口的内容 。(This is a renounced Mirror driver after Microsoft Win8 recommended screen capture technology, all based D3D/DXGI technology, efficiency is very high, and contains changes in the regional and screen mouse cursor. The disadvantage is that the contents of a window can not crawl.)
    2020-06-26 14:20:01下载
  • rlc
    行程编码的基本原理是:用一个符号值或串长代替具有相同值的连续符号(连续符号构成了一段连续的“行程”。行程编码因此而得名),使符号长度少于原始数据的长度。只在各行或者各列数据的代码发生变化时,一次记录该代码及相同代码重复的个数,从而实现数据的压缩。(The basic principle of run length coding is: a symbolic value or string length instead of having the same value of consecutive symbols that symbol length less than the length of the original data (consecutive symbols constitute a period of continuous stroke run-length encoding, hence the name.) . Only when the code for each row or each column of data is changed, the recording time code and the same number of code duplication, in order to achieve compressed data.)
    2014-12-13 00:24:00下载
  • serial
    串口驱动程序,可替换NT下的串口驱动程序 (Serial dirver which can replace serial driver in NT)
    2021-04-20 23:48:49下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104554会员总数
  • 21今日下载