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于 2009-02-12 发布 文件大小:236KB
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  自己做的ActiveX系统配置控件,单击按钮打开桌面图标设置1对话框,实现: 隐藏所有桌面图标及图标小箭头; 修改我的电脑、计划任务、控制面板、打印机、拨号网络、网上邻居、浏览器、回收站(空)、回收站(满)等桌面图标的提示内容; 设置我的电脑、计划任务、控制面板、打印机、拨号网络、网上邻居、浏览器、回收站等图标的名称; 设置我的电脑、计划任务、控制面板、打印机、拨号网络、网上邻居、浏览器、回收站等的图标; 可以部署在服务器上,适合在公共电脑等不方便带文件的场合进行快速系统配置,也适合嵌入到其它程序中,进行快速开发。(Make its own system configuration of ActiveX controls, click the Settings button to open the Desktop icon in one dialog box, and realize: Hide all desktop icons and a small arrow icon Modify my computer, planning tasks, the control panel, printers, dial-up network, Network Places, browser, Recycle Bin (empty), the Recycle Bin (full) desktop icon prompts such content Set up my computer, planning tasks, the control panel, printers, dial-up network, Network Places, browser, Recycle Bin icon s name, etc. Set up my computer, planning tasks, the control panel, printers, dial-up network, Network Places, browser, Recycle Bin icon, etc. Can be deployed on the server for computers in public with a document inconvenient forum for rapid system configuration, is also suitable for embedding into other programs, for rapid development.)







0 个回复

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