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于 2007-05-07 发布 文件大小:155KB
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  VB的图书馆管理系统.管理员的帐号和密码都是(VB library management system. Administrator account and password are )



0 个回复

  • wlpsglxt
    基本信息管理主要包括:商品信息维护、往来单位信息维护、员工信息维护和仓库信息维护。 操作员“mrkj”和密码“111”(Basic information management include: product information maintained between units of information maintenance, employee information maintenance and warehouse information maintenance. Operator " mrkj" and the password " 111" )
    2014-05-04 22:00:37下载
  • 38220410111111111111111111111
    VC做的学生信息管理系统,欢迎大家看一看。(VC done Student Information Management System, welcoming everyone to look at.)
    2007-06-09 09:06:18下载
  • Drawboard
    用MFC编写了一个简单的画板程序和学生信息管理系统,可实现简易作画以及学生信息的管理(With the MFC write a simple drawing board procedures and student information management system, enabling easy to paint and student information management)
    2020-07-03 06:40:02下载
  • Class
    大学的每个专业都要编制教学计划。假设任何专业都有固定的学习年限,每学年含两学期,每学期的时间长度和学分上限都相等。每个专业开设的课程都是确定的,而且课程的开设时间的安排必须满足先修关系。每个课程的先修关系都是确定的,可以有任意多门,也可以没有。每一门课程恰好一个学期。试在这样的情况下设置一个教学计划编制程序。三、基本要求:(1):输入参数:学期总数,一学期的学分上限,每门课的课程号,学分,直接先修关系的课程号。(2):课程号尽可能的集中在前几个学期中。(3):若无解,则报告错误信息;否则见教学计划输入到指定的文件中。(University of each professional must prepare teaching plans. Assume that any professional has a fixed period of schooling per academic year with two semesters, the length of time and credits per semester caps are equal. Each professional courses are determined, and arrangements to open the course must meet the Advanced Placement relations. Pre relations are determined in each course, can have any number of doors, or you do not. Each course just one semester. The trial in this case, an instructional planning procedures. Three basic requirements: (1): Input parameters: the relationship between the course of the semester, the total number, the maximum credit for a semester, the course number of each course, credits, direct Prerequisite number. (2): Course No. centralized as much as possible in the first few semesters. (3): If there is no solution, report the error message otherwise see teaching program input to the specified file.)
    2013-01-24 22:12:45下载
    双学位管理系统。。。 主要是对学院的第二专业进行管理,采用MFC+ADO ACCE(Dual-degree management system. . . Mainly on the college)
    2008-07-03 10:17:04下载
  • bookmanage
    图书管理系统 1、 每种图书的登记内容包括书名、书号、作者、现存量和总库存量。 2、 系统应实现的操作及其功能: 1、 采编入库:新购入一种书,经分类和确定书号之后编辑到图书账目中去,如果中书在账目中已经存在,则只将其库存量增加。 2、 清空库存:某一种书已无保留价值,将它从图书账目中注销。 3、 借阅:如果一种书的现存量大于零,则借出一本登记借阅者的图书证号和归还期限。 4、 归还:注销对借阅者的登记,改变该书的现存量。 5、 查找:实现按书号查找,按书名查找,按作者查找。 6、 查看:实现查看总库图书情况,查看图书借阅情况。(err)
    2008-06-25 16:04:25下载
  • bd2000
    是一个学生的 选课系统有很好的选课功能 可以商业买卖了(students is a good system Elective classes of functions can be a commercial trading)
    2005-04-05 10:57:25下载
  • studentScore
    visual c++与access 数据库实现的学生成绩管理系统(failed to translate)
    2013-05-07 20:12:04下载
  • Word2TeX
    Word file to Tex style.
    2009-02-25 18:06:48下载
  • dgh
    这是一个用vb做的学生管理系统,来看看把,很好用的哦(vb do with the student management system, to see if the he, oh, the good)
    2005-05-29 07:16:46下载
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