首页 » matlab » WLAN-OFDM-simulator


于 2011-07-13 发布 文件大小:26KB
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  OFDM系统仿真,仿真利用ui界面,实现了BPSK、QPSK、16QAM三种调制方式(OFDM system simulation with ui interface to achieve the BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM three kinds of modulation)



0 个回复

  • LearningProgrammingusingMATLAB
    This book is intended for anyone trying to learn the fundamentals of computer programming. The chapters lead the reader through the various steps required for writing a program, introducing the MATLABr constructs in the process. MATLABr is used to teach programming because it has a simple programming environment. It has a low initial overhead which allows the novice programmer to begin programming immediately and allows the users to easily debug their programs. This is especially useful for people who have a “mental block” about computers. Although MATLABr is a high-level language and interactive environment that enables the user to perform computationally intensive tasks faster than with traditional programming languages such as C, C++, and Fortran, the author shows that it can also be used as a programming learning tool for novices. There are a number of exercises at the end of each chapter which should help the users become comfortable with the language.
    2009-09-30 20:32:12下载
  • jianhuapls
    偏最小二乘法简化方法,输入合适的数据,即可得到正确的主因子数,及回归方程。(Simplified method of partial least squares, enter the appropriate data, the main factor to get the correct number, and the regression equation.)
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  • ch5example6
    调频立体声接收机模型 对相应的立体声解码过程进行建模和仿真。设左右声道的信号分别为1000Hz和2000Hz的单频测试信号。 (FM stereo receiver model for the corresponding stereo decoding process modeling and simulation. Set left and right channel signals were 1000Hz and 2000Hz single frequency test signal.)
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  • COMReceive
    matlab程序能够实时接收COM数据并提取有关信息。(matlab program can receive real-time COM data and extract relevant information.)
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  • conv2fft
    gabor for fingerprint
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  • xianboqi
    用自适应陷波器对引入单频干扰的正弦信号进行恢复,Matlab仿真程序(Used to was the single frequency interference with the introduction of the signal, matlab emulator )
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  • VCSOA_Bistability_RateEquations
    这是一个关于垂直腔半导体光放大器(VCSOA,微腔光放大器的一种)中的双稳态曲线计算程序,用Matlab语言写成,可执行。程序是根据VCSOA中的速率方程(Rate Equation)编写的。从曲线上可以看出随着输入功率Pin的变化VCSOA的输出功率Pout的双稳态曲线,是进一步研究该问题的基本素材之一。(This is a computation program for calculating the bistability activity of the vertical cavity semiconductor optical amplifier, which is based on the rate equation in VCSOA. This code is a basis for further investigating other activities in VCSOA related to bistability. )
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