单片机的TCP_IP网络编程与应用,uIP ARP / ICMP / TCP协议的完全移植,可以稳定ping通单板,使用TCP服务器功能,连上单板的TCP服务器功能时(自定义端口1234),单板发出“Hello,how are you?”的问候。其后发出的字符单板都原样返回。有很好的学习和研究价值。(SCM TCP_IP network programming and applications, uIP ARP/ICMP/TCP protocol completely portable, you can ping the stabilization board, using TCP server function, even function on the board when the TCP server (custom port 1234), the board issued " Hello, how are you?" greetings. Subsequent issuance of the character board are returned unchanged. Have a good study and research value.)