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于 2012-05-26 发布 文件大小:71KB
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  基于matlab的语音识别代码(使用HMM算法的)(Matlab speech recognition code (using the HMM algorithm))





0 个回复

  • random_sample_conse
    Random Sample Consensus & matching two image
    2011-08-01 05:15:08下载
  • TheDigitalFilterDesignInAKindOfDigitalReceiver
    本文利用MATLAB编写的一种中频数字接收机的程序(In this paper, the preparation of a MATLAB-IF digital receiver procedures)
    2009-03-16 09:08:19下载
  • fft1
    快速傅里叶变换程序,供大家参考,matlab下运行,可以看波形(Fast Fourier transform procedures for your reference, matlab running, you can see the waveform)
    2010-08-21 15:46:02下载
  • KinectMouseControl_Demo
    this is a kinect mouse control sample. just run it or you could copy and paste on your programe(Mouse control demo)
    2014-01-18 23:40:35下载
  • nueralNetwork
    It is demonstrated that neural networks can be used effectively for the identification and control of nonlinear dynamical systems. The emphasis is on models for both identification and control. Static and dynamic backpropagation methods for the adjustment of parameters are discussed. In the models that are introduced, multilayer and recurrent networks are interconnected in novel configurations, and hence there is a real need to study them in a unified fashion. Simulation results reveal that the identification and adaptive control schemes suggested are practically feasible. Basic concepts and definitions are introduced throughout, and theoretical questions that have to be addressed are also described
    2013-08-07 18:58:45下载
  • diagrama_de_ojo
    eye pattern, also known as an eye diagram, is an oscilloscope display in which a digital data signal from a receiver is repetitively sampled and applied to the vertical input, while the data rate is used to trigger the horizontal sweep. It is so called because, for several types of coding, the pattern looks like a series of eyes between a pair of rails. It is an experimental tool for the evaluation of the combined effects of channel noise and intersymbol interference on the performance of a baseband pulse-transmission system. It is the synchronised superposition of all possible realisations of the signal of interest viewed within a particular signalling interval.
    2013-12-07 00:34:30下载
  • MATLAB编指南课件
    说明:  清华大学出版的科学与工程计算技术丛书/matlab编程指南的学习课件以及源代码(Learning Courseware and Source Code of Science and Engineering Computing Technology Series/Matlab Programming Guide Published by Tsinghua University)
    2020-06-23 18:20:02下载
  • curve-fitting
    用于曲线拟合的matlab程序 属于基本的内容 但是很好用(curve fitting with matlab)
    2011-07-30 05:08:40下载
  • KSVD_Matlab
    基于dictionary learning的MR图像重建的代码,希望对从事MR图像重建的朋友有用,使用matlab开的的代码~~(dictionary learning for MR image construction)
    2013-11-04 04:38:06下载
  • shiyanyong_highstep_upconverter
    一种高增益的交错boost变换器,增益可以高达10左右,是一种高效率高增益第成本的变换器。(hige_step boost)
    2020-10-18 10:37:26下载
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