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于 2007-04-26 发布 文件大小:5KB
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  有关MATLAB基础教程的程序,希望对下载的人有所帮助。(based on MATLAB Guide to the procedure, hoping to download the help.)



0 个回复

  • mp3_toolbox_v2.0
    Tool read mp3 in MatLAB
    2009-09-22 00:09:05下载
  • DeepLearnToolbox-master
    这是深度学习的常用工具箱,里面包括常用的自动编码器、卷积神经网络和深度置信网络的函数( This is a common toolbox depth study, which includes functions commonly used automatic encoder, convolutional neural network and depth of belief networks)
    2021-04-14 09:58:55下载
  • Simulink_BFSK_RicianFading_BER
    Simulink_BFSK_RicianFading,simulink环境下RicianFading的BFSK误码率仿真(Simulink_BFSK_RicianFading, simulink environment RicianFading the BFSK bit error rate simulation)
    2008-05-20 23:52:38下载
  • ADM
    ADM算法,用于基于TV模型的压缩感知图片重构的快速算法,张印所编( ADM algorithm for picture compessing)
    2021-05-14 05:30:02下载
  • kev
    这是一个开机自启的控制台应用程序,实在没什么东西拿的出手,但是想看看别人的东西,所以就把这个上载了。大家感兴趣的话可以找我帮忙把他可视化(This is a boot from Kai console application, there really is something to take the shot, but would like to see other people' s stuff, so put this uploaded. We are interested in, then you can ask me for help visualize him)
    2013-12-30 14:17:57下载
    SVM神经网络的系统分类算法,修改可用,运行环境为Matlab。(System classification algorithm, SVM neural network to modify the available, operating environment for the Matlab.)
    2015-03-16 10:09:12下载
  • New-Folder
    i need matlab codes for this documents on electronics
    2012-02-06 11:25:55下载
  • cvx_double_stabel_and_move
    基于凸优化算法,频率分集阵列天线在全时空域内可控点聚焦,实现对动目标追踪、多目标聚焦,可用于实现点对点秘密通信(Based on convex optimization algorithm, the frequency diversity array antenna can focus on controllable points in the whole time and space domain, and can be used to realize point to point secret communication.)
    2018-05-07 11:14:08下载
  • add kalman
    继续上传基于稳态kalman滤波器事例讲解,这里可以不需要考虑观测系统中的噪声。(to upload based on steady-state Kalman filter on the case, it need not consider here Observing System of noise.)
    2005-05-02 18:29:43下载
  • fastKICA
    说明:  盲源分离FastICA、matalab程序,(FAST KERNEL ICA | |--------------------| Version 1.0- February 2007 Copyright 2007 Stefanie Jegelka, Hao Shen, Arthur Gretton This package contains a Matlab implementation of the Fast Kernel ICA algorithm as described in [1]. Kernel ICA is based on minimizing a kernel measure of statistical independence, namely the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of the covariance operator in feature space (see [3]: this is called HSIC). Given an (n x m) matrix W of n samples from m mixed sources, the goal is to find a demixing matrix X such that the dependence between the estimated unmixed sources X *W is minimal. FastKICA uses an approximate Newton method to perfom this optimization. For more information on the algorithm, read [1], and for more information on HSIC, refer to [3]. The functions chol_gauss and amariD are taken from and based on, respectively, code from Francis Bach (available at http://cmm.ensmp.fr/~bach/kernel-ica/index.htm). The derivative is com)
    2010-04-02 17:49:18下载
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