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用VC写的由湿地DEM生成的三维模型 Swampy

于 2007-04-17 发布 文件大小:24036KB
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  师兄用VC写的由湿地DEM生成的三维模型,赋有纹理,可以动态漫游,地理分析。希望对搞GIS开发的朋友有所帮助。包含DEM和纹理数据,所以有点大,请耐心下载。(senior VC written by DEM wetlands generated 3D model, endowed with texture, dynamic roaming, geographic analysis. Hope to engage in the development of the GIS friends help. DEM contains data and texture, a bit, please download patience.)







0 个回复

  • the4th
    利用socket实现简单文件传输,mfc实现,很简单(Simple file transfer using socket, mfc achieve)
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  • jpskb_090410
    this file is a train list ,update from the web(this file is a train list, update from the web)
    2009-04-23 22:57:35下载
  • RubikCube-master
    用c++和Direct3D写的一个3D三阶魔方(3D Rubik Cube based on C++&Direct3D)
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  • VCPP
    此资料能够使自己充分的了解VC++,而且还能在其中熟悉语言环境。(This information can make their full understanding VC++, but also the environment in which you are familiar with the language.)
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