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于 2007-04-14 发布 文件大小:14KB
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  A new method of propagation for computer viruses is here presented, Automated File Transfer Infection (AFTI). This method is specific for the Microsoft® Windows® NT/2000/XP/Server 2003 platforms, albeit it may be extended to the 95/98/ME systems as well, and even other Operating Systems. It is based upon WinSock 2 hooking with the Service Provider Interface (SPI).(A new method of propagation for computer vi ruses is here presented. Automated File Transfer Infection (AFTI). Thi 's method is specific for the Microsoft)



0 个回复

  • Translate.Files.With.Winsock
    这是一个简单地使用WinSock传输文件的工具,分为服务端和客户端,先抛一块砖。(This is a simple way to transfer files using the WinSock tool is divided into server and client, first throw a brick.)
    2009-03-26 11:02:46下载
  • wlan_vc
    再者个网络时代,伴随着有线网络的广泛应用,以快捷高效,组网灵活为优势的无线网络技术也在飞速发展。本文将简单介绍无线局域网相关技术及其相对有线局域网的优势,并具体介绍如何通过VC6.0设计和实现能同时运行在有线局域网和无线局域网上的简单通信软件。(network era, along with cable network widely used to provide a quick and efficient. flexible network edge wireless network technology is also expanding rapidly. This article briefly introduces wireless LAN technology and its relative advantages of the wired LAN. and the specific details of how VC6.0 design and implementation can also run on the LAN cable and wireless LAN simple communications software.)
    2007-05-16 16:46:17下载
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