程序员将会非常喜欢.NET框架精髓这本书,这本书用简练的语言系统、彻底的讲解了使用.NET框架创建网络应用程序和网络服务所必须了解的技术细节。和其他一些类似文档不同的是,这本书减掉了很多夸大其词或者不相关的杂音,从而提供了清晰、使用的技术知识。(programmers will be very fond of.NET framework essence of this book, this book with concise language, thorough presentation use.NET framework for creating network applications and network services to be aware of the technical details. And other similar documents is different is that this book lose a lot of exaggeration or not related to the noises. thus providing a clear, the use of technical knowledge.)