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于 2007-04-11 发布 文件大小:2817KB
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  The MatlabBGL library fills a hole in Matlab s suite of algorithms. Namely, it provides a rich set of algorithms to work with graphs, as in graph theory graphs. The MatlabBGL package uses Matlab s native sparse matrix type as a graph and provides algorithms that work (The MatlabBGL library fills a hole in Matla b's suite of algorithms. Namely, it provides a rich set of algorithms to work with graphs. as in graph theory graphs. The MatlabBGL packag e uses Matlab's native sparse matrix type as a gra ph and provides algorithms that work)



0 个回复

  • bahuanghou
    用于解决人工智能中的八皇后的问题,是比较经典的问题,用matlab编程实现(Artificial intelligence used to solve the eight queens problem, the problem is more classic, with the matlab programming)
    2011-06-15 14:21:44下载
  • Atiziliao
    2014年全国数学建模A题相关资料 。欢迎下载。(A mathematical modeling problem related information. Welcome to download)
    2014-09-12 19:16:50下载
  • New-svd-1
    Singular value decomposition takes a rectangular matrix of gene expression data (defined as A, where A is a n x p matrix) in which the n rows represents the genes, and the p columns represents the experimental conditions.
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  • PSO1
    pso matlab code for minimizing objective function
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  • mc-matlab
    marchingcubes算法 面绘制算法中的经典算法 (1)体素中由三角面片逼近的等值面计算; (2)三角面片各顶点法向量计算。(Marchingcubes algorithm -Classical algorithm in surface rendering algorithm (1) the isosurface approximated by triangular patches in voxels. (2) the calculation of the vertex normal vector of the triangulation.)
    2020-11-14 15:19:42下载
  • IEEE33
    说明:  IEEE33节点标准配电网数据,可以转换成所需要的格式,比如可以利用PSAT进行转换分析。(IEEE33 node standard distribution network data can be converted into the required format, such as PSAT for conversion analysis.)
    2019-01-25 10:47:50下载
  • Contemporary_MATLAB
    现代通信系统(MATLAB版)(第二版)刘树棠译 本书系Brooks/Cole出版公司(Thomson Learning出版集团的下属子公司)2000年推出的BookWare系列丛书(BookWare Companion SeriseTM)之一种。该书提供了利用MATLAB的普及型学生版本在计算机上解决“现代通信系统”这门课程中涉及的几乎所有方面的问题的分析思路、方法、MATLAB脚本文件和处理结果的范例以及供学生自主学习研讨的习题。全书内容分为9章,分别是:信号与线性系统;随机过程;模拟调制;模拟/数字转换;基带数字传输;带限信道的数字传输;载波调制的数字传输;信道容量和编码;扩频通信系统。 (This book Brooks/Cole Publishing (Thomson Learning Publishing Group, a subsidiary) in 2000 launched BookWare Series (BookWare Companion SeriseTM) of a kind. The book provides the advantage of the popularity-based student version of MATLAB on the computer to solve the " modern communications systems," This course covered almost all aspects of the analysis of ideas, methods, MATLAB script files and processing the results of examples, as well as independent study for students seminar to answer. The book consists of nine chapters, namely: Signal and Linear System stochastic process analog modulation analog/digital conversion base-band digital transmission band-limited channel digital transmission carrier modulation digital transmission channel capacity and coding spread-spectrum communication systems.)
    2010-01-06 12:28:58下载
  • chazhi
    在数值分析中,拉格朗日插值是最简单的一种插值方法。本例就是一个简单的拉格朗日插值的matlab实现。(In the numerical analysis, the Lagrange interpolation is the simplest interpolation method. This example is a simple Lagrange interpolation matlab implementation.)
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  • 79419121awgn
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