用于颜色空间的转换。可以在RGB, YPbPr, YCbCr, YUV, YIQ, YDbDr, JPEG-YCbCr, HSV, HSL, XYZ, CIE Lab (CIELAB), CIE Luv (CIELUV), and CIE Lch (CIELCH)等颜色空间中任意转换。
(The Matlab program used for color space conversion. In RGB, YPbPr, YCbCr, YUV, YIQ, YDbDr, JPEG-YCbCr, HSV, HSL, XYZ, CIE Lab (CIELAB), CIE Luv (CIELUV), and CIE Lch (CIELCH) any other color space conversion.)
- 2010-09-01 16:10:41下载
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Matlab之GUI源码 非常有用的代码(matlab s gui source code)
- 2011-09-28 19:35:40下载
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说明: 遗传算法视频课配套程序,包括调用函数,目标函数,主函数等,非常全,可以运行(genetic algorithm program, with a detailed explanation of the objective function, Part II)
- 2019-06-02 09:42:10下载
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matlab7.8入门指导matlab7.8入门指导matlab7.8入门指导matlab7.8入门指导(Getting Started matlab7.8 guidance. pdf)
- 2009-04-17 22:20:10下载
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上課所教所有matlab 小波去燥的教程!~非常適合各位的參考!非常好喔!(Classes taught in all the matlab wavelet tutorial to dry! ~ Very suitable for your reference! Oh very good!)
- 2008-07-01 17:34:57下载
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MODTRAN是一个大气辐射传输代码由美国空军和光谱发展科学公司。这是其MATLAB类包,提供了一个功能包的读,写和MODTRAN输入文件的操作,还提供了运行MODTRAN方法,检索和结果绘制在Matlab中。(A class wrapper for the MODTRAN 5 atmospheric radiative transfer code.MODTRAN is an atmospheric radiative transfer code developed by the USAF and Spectral Sciences Inc. (www.spectral.com ). This Matlab class wrapper provides a functional wrapper for reading, writing and manipulation of MODTRAN 5 input files. The wrapper also provides methods for running MODTRAN, retrieving (tape7) and plotting of results in Matlab.)
- 2021-04-23 14:48:48下载
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3D DCT function in wavelet
- 2013-04-30 17:33:24下载
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说明: 移动通信信道建模与仿真
1.验证实验原理中所述的相关程序,CLARK, Jakes(Rayleigh.m) 信道模型。
2.验证QPSK调制信号经根升余弦滚降成形滤波之后在瑞利衰落信道下系统误比特和误符号性能,实现参考程序ex11main.m,ex11.mdl。(Modeling and Simulation of mobile communication channel)
- 2019-01-01 16:43:45下载
- 积分:1
利用MLC来估计GMM 模型参数,压缩文件没有加密可以直接使用(use MLC to estimate model parameters GMM, compressed files directly without the use of encryption)
- 2006-06-23 16:40:46下载
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a gain calculator about semiconductor optical amplifier gain and ode method
- 2012-04-24 13:56:58下载
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