建立一个简单的学生信息管理系统,该系统为注册学生保存基本信息、选课信息以及课程成绩。系统要方便基本信息、选课信息、成绩的增加、删除、修改及查询。为实现快速查询,要求对基本信息、选课信息和成绩建立相应的索引,学生成绩采用平衡二叉树建索引,对学生姓名采用Hash建立索引,对学号实现折半查找。(Create a simple student information management system, which save the basic information for registered students, course information and course grade. System to facilitate the basic information, course information, the results increase, delete, modify and query. To achieve fast query, basic information, course information and results to establish the corresponding index, student performance using a balanced binary tree to build the index, the student name using Hash indexing, binary search on the student number.)