用最优控制原理来控制五自由度无轴承电机(竖立,转子的上、下部各放置四个电磁铁,z轴为竖立方向的控制先不考虑,只考虑,x,y轴方向的稳定)(Using optimal control theory to control the five degrees of freedom bearingless motor (erected on the rotor, the lower part of the placement of four electromagnets, z-axis direction control for the erection of the first not considered, only the, x, y-axis direction of the stable))
- 2020-09-23 10:57:50下载
- 积分:1
Basic function to locate and measure the positive peaks in a noisy
data sets. Detects peaks by looking for downward zero-crossings
in the smoothed third derivative that exceed SlopeThreshold
and peak amplitudes that exceed AmpThreshold. Determines,
position, height, and approximate width of each peak by least-squares
curve-fitting the log of top part of the peak with a parabola.
- 2009-03-18 14:58:18下载
- 积分:1
本文件中包含了很多在通信基本原理中常用的源程序,像各种调制方式,交织方式,编码方式都有很详尽的源程序。非常经典!(this document contains many of the basic principles of communication common source, like various modulation, intertwined, encoding great detail of the source. Very classic!)
- 2007-03-01 22:30:15下载
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飞机俯仰姿态保持模糊PID控制 (Fuzzy self-tuning PID control system design and simulation aircraft pitch attitude to maintain Fuzzy PID Control)
- 2021-04-01 14:39:08下载
- 积分:1
关于采样定理的验证的matlab程序,有利于理解带通采样(Verification sampling theorem on the matlab program that facilitates understanding bandpass sampling)
- 2021-04-18 15:58:57下载
- 积分:1
matlab code to detect the different ECG features
- 2013-04-19 02:04:03下载
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利用matlab进行信号处理的几个例子,简洁明了,十分实用(examples about signal processing using matlab)
- 2014-01-08 16:09:52下载
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说明: 搭建了模电电路,实现仿真并得到仿真U I波形(The analog circuit is built, and the simulation UI waveform is obtained)
- 2020-07-04 22:18:05下载
- 积分:1
由于飞机设计是一个需要多次反复迭代的重复过程,需要进行大量的计算,因此我们自己编写了一些MATLAB程序。(As the aircraft design is a repeated duplication of iterative process, requiring a large number of calculation, so we have written a number of MATLAB procedures.)
- 2007-08-12 15:16:08下载
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插值,函数逼近,矩阵特征值计算,数值微分,积分,方程求根,非线性方程求解,迭代,随机数生成,特殊函数,常微分方程,偏微分方程等常用的matlab程序。(Interpolation, function approximation, matrix eigenvalue calculation, numerical differentiation, integration, finding roots of equations, nonlinear equations, iterative, random number generators, special functions, ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations and other commonly used matlab program.)
- 2010-02-26 16:49:56下载
- 积分:1