ttcn 开发程序包,提供一个开发ttcn的sdk(T3DevKit is a free open source toolkit to ease the development of test suites in the TTCN-3 environment. It provides: ■a CoDec generator (t3cdgen) that automates the development process of the CoDec needed for coding TTCN-3 values into physically transmittable messages and decoding incoming messages ■a library (t3devlib) that provides ■an object oriented framework to manipulate TTCN-3 entities (values, ports, timers, external functions…) ■an implementation of the TRI and TCI standard interfaces ■default implementations for the system adapter (SA), platform adapter (PA), test management (TM), test logging (TL) and component handling (CH) modules ■default codecs ■build scripts for the generation of executable test suites, these are tool-independent and facilitate the distribution of test suite sources )