有限差分方法 Finite Difference Method
有限差分方法(网格法)是最早使用的一种电磁场数 值计算方法。 边值问题 物理思想:场域离散。 (连续区域→网格和节点) 数学基础:差分原理。 (微商→差商) 线性代数方程组 §6-3 有限差分方法 作为数值计算方法,有限差分法将连续场域的问题变换 为离散系统的问题(连续场域划分为若干个细小的区域:网 格和节点)。也就是说通过离散化模型上各离散点的数值解 来逼近连续场域内的真实解。(The finite difference method (grid method) is the earliest use of an electromagnetic field the number of Value method. Boundary Value Problems Physical idea: the field of discrete. (Contiguous area → grid nodes) Mathematical foundations: the difference principle. (The Derivative → difference quotient) Linear algebraic equations. § 6-3 Finite Difference Method Numerical methods, finite difference method will transform the problem of the continuous field For discrete systems (continuous field is divided into several small areas: network Grid nodes). That is, the value of the discrete points in the discrete model solution To approximate the true solution of the continuous field domain.)
Finite Difference Method.txt,2152,2012-05-18