关于DFIG的低压穿越能力的研究。对以后实现低压穿越做一些探索性的工作(Along with the sharp increase in the proportion of wind power supply some areas the impact of Large-scale wind farms for the stability of regional power grid is more significant. The research on low voltage ride-through (LVRT) of wind power system based on doubly-fed induction generators (DFIG) becomes a hot issue. In this paper ,Firstly introduces the concept of low voltage ride-through technology, The standards of LVRT of some European countries are presented, And then analyses and compares the kinds of common realize low voltage ride- technology and improve control strategy. The transient characteristics of DFIG when the grid voltage sagging.)
- 2012-03-18 16:18:38下载
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spaital modulation是08年开始盛行的一种空间调制技术,他相比于v-blast,mrc等方式有了长足的进步。(Spatial modulation (SM) is a recently developedtransmission technique that uses multiple antennas.)
- 2012-04-26 12:09:32下载
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《浪潮之巅》,作者:吴军,很好的书,写了AT&T、IBM、苹果、英特尔、微软、思科、雅虎、惠普、摩托罗拉等IT巨人的兴衰起落,很有意思!(Summit of the " wave" , author: Wu Jun, a good book, write the rise and fall of the ups and downs of the IT giant AT & T, IBM, Apple, Intel, Microsoft, Cisco, Yahoo, Hewlett-Packard, Motorola, very interesting!)
- 2012-11-30 17:13:54下载
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说明: C# development book very helpful
- 2009-10-05 19:49:37下载
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光纤传输特性 衰耗系数 是多模光纤和单模光纤最重要的特性参数之一,在很大程度上决定了多模和单模光纤通信的中继距离(Transmission characteristics of optical fiber attenuation)
- 2011-05-17 23:24:45下载
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实现同相供电系统容量优化满意补偿。理论推导和仿真结果验证了所提方法的正确性和可行性。(The cophase traction power supply system aims at achieving power quality comprehensive compensation.A current
detection method based on synchronous reference frame transformation is proposed.The method can decompose the load current
real-timely into fundamental positive-sequence active component,fundamental positive-sequence reactive component,fundamental
negative-sequence component and harmonic component,which lays a foundation for comprehensive compensation.There are
nonlinear relation between compensation strength of power quality and device capacity.The paper proposes the concept of
compensation degree and gives the relationship between compensation degree and power quality parameters.By giving expected
power quality parameters,it adjusts compensation ratios of negative,reactive and harmonics instantaneously,so that the IPFC
capacity can be allocated between power quality compensating parameters optimally and real-timely,thus achieving capacity optimal
satisfactory compensa)
- 2012-03-01 16:12:06下载
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与偏振无关光隔离器的插入损耗和隔离度的理论分析与实验研究(Theoretical analysis and experimental research with polarization-independent optical isolator insertion loss and isolation of)
- 2013-12-09 13:37:43下载
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并提出智能微电网控制策略未来的发展方向。(Analysis was made to its system configuration
and operation characteristics, the control theory of intelligent microgrid summarized and discussed to divide the control
strategy into grid-following and grid-forming control two categories, each of which included interactive and non interactive control
thinking with clear definition and determinant standard. This paper raised the microgrid control strategy in the future.)
- 2012-07-16 21:10:26下载
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德国一家公司介绍光伏逆变器低电压穿越的资料,通过实例进行讲解(German company introduced low-voltage across the PV inverter data, to explain by example)
- 2011-09-15 09:35:22下载
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发表在 The MIT Talbot 2013 Workshop 的论文 (Locally Laplace Isometries and Fibonacci Primes. this paper shows that there exists a reversible, unique and separable elliptic, Brahmagupta arrow. In this setting, the ability to study positive scalars is essential. Recent interest in partially ultra-positive domains has centered on deriving Pythagoras{Wiles scalars.)
- 2013-09-26 18:56:17下载
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