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于 2012-05-17 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  Binomial regression on Ca4227, Ca4455 and FeH



0 个回复

  • probabilitydistribution
    本文利用文献〔1〕、〔2〕、〔3〕中关于指数分布的特征刻划与稳定性定理,得到了均匀分布,瑞利(Rayleigh)分布和威布尔(Weibull)分布的一些特征性质与稳定性结果(In this paper, literature 〔1〕 〔2〕 〔3〕 on Exponential Distribution and characterization and stability theorem, the uniform distribution, Rayleigh (Rayleigh) and Weibull (Weibull) distribution in the nature of some features Stability Results)
    2010-08-23 21:57:35下载
  • wavetrap
    用matlab语言实现陷波器,达到消除指定频率的谐波的功能(Language with matlab notch filter, to eliminate the function of the specified frequency harmonics)
    2011-01-04 10:31:57下载
  • calculation
    利用Matlab编写程序实现简易计算器功能,完成日常计算必备神器(Using Matlab programming to achieve simple calculator functions necessary to complete everyday computing artifacts)
    2013-10-22 23:17:41下载
  • lvboyingzi
    用matlab编写的关于设计滤波因子的源代码(Prepared with matlab filtering factor for the design of the source code)
    2009-03-31 22:45:46下载
  • side_lobe_level
    pulse compression in RADAR for back scattering and Araay implementation
    2014-01-03 02:01:09下载
  • FundamentalsofWiMAX
    一本介绍WiMAX原理的英文专业书,相信对学习专业和英语都有帮助.(It s a book of introducing the principles of WiMAX,and it can be helpful in your study of speciality and English.)
    2009-04-07 17:04:31下载
  • blind_esti
    this program will help in blind estimation
    2013-08-06 19:31:28下载
  • 3
    说明:  利用matlab实现彩色图像的分割。算法主要是利用聚类算法(Use of matlab color image segmentation. Algorithm is the main clustering algorithm)
    2012-06-03 23:04:51下载
  • matlab-raytrace
    射线追踪,包含了起点和终点的射线函数,对于地震传播研究具有重要意义!(Raytracing in a v(z) world. The toolbox contains functions forshooting fans of rays and functions for tracing rays with specific start and end points. General multi-bounce rays with any number of mode conversions can be traced. Automatic routines for P-P and P-S primaries in shot-gather geometry are provided for convenience. Any recording geometry can be used but most functions vectorize (e.g. are most efficient) for shot-gather geometry. Only traveltimes and rayparameters are detemined, not amplitudes. In these routines, the velocity models should be considered as "background" models. This means that the depths at which flections and mode conversions occur are dependent of the depths given as layer boundaries in the velocity models. Velocity models are specified by a vector of velocities and a same-size vector of depths. The j th velocity is in effect from the j th to the j+1 th depth. The bottom of the model is assumed at infinite depth. Thus v=5000 and z=0 specifies a cons)
    2013-09-16 08:15:48下载
  • GMM_EM
    高斯混合模型的EM搭建过程以及详细说明,利于初学者的学习!(EM Gaussian mixture model building process as well as detailed instructions, which will help beginners to learn!)
    2013-11-28 17:04:06下载
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