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于 2007-03-21 发布 文件大小:612KB
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  《精通MATLAB—综合辅导与指南》,word格式的,可读性很强,适合初级学习人员使用。("proficient MATLAB-comprehensive counseling and guidance", word format, readability strong, suitable for junior staff learn to use.)



0 个回复

  • SFcontrol1
    state flow program in Matlab simulink.
    2009-04-01 04:28:54下载
  • featrue7
    提取信号七个基于瞬时信息的特征:零中心归一化瞬时幅度功率谱密度的最大值,零中心归一化瞬时幅度绝对值的标准偏差,零中心非弱信号段瞬时相位非线性分量绝对值标准偏差,零中心非弱信号段瞬时相位非线性分量标准偏差,零中心归一化的非弱信号段瞬时频率绝对值的标准偏差,一个信号段的归一化瞬时频率功率谱密度的最大值,根据信号 QPSK 和16QAM在 XI 轴投影的不同表现,提出特征参数。(extract information based on the instan eous features : In the center is one of the instantaneous rate of the power spectral density of the maximum, is a center to the absolute value of the instantaneous rate of the standard deviation, Non-zero weak signal instantaneous phase of the nonlinear component absolute standard deviation, Non-zero weak signal instantaneous phase of the nonlinear component standard deviation, In the center is one of the non-weak signal of the absolute value of the instantaneous frequency standard deviation, a signal to one of the instantaneous frequency of the power spectral density of the maximum, According to 16QAM and QPSK signals XI axis projection in the different performance parameters raised.)
    2021-01-24 13:28:43下载
  • Hopfiel_NN_pattern_recognition
    This code shows hopfield neural network for pattern recognition.
    2015-03-20 18:30:18下载
  • binary_classification
    二元分类问题。有完整的代码和详细的分析文档。(Binary Classification. complete code and detailed analysis .)
    2021-03-12 16:39:25下载
  • FFTexample
    高效率FFT计算程序,带有原理说明。简单易懂。(hight effient fft calculation program. including the manual.)
    2010-12-08 00:15:13下载
  • specchmatlabcode
    this file is for game with matlab code
    2010-12-18 20:06:53下载
  • lda_test
    Function to implement Linear Discriminant Analysis Usage:- [Xnew,V,mX,D] = lda(X,index,mX) [V,D] = lda(X,index) where:- X = concatenated grand profile vectors (GPV) i = class index of each vector Xnew = new feature vectors P = eigen vectors mX = mean of GPV (optional in input) D = eigen values
    2013-07-09 15:03:43下载
  • 与SQL 数据进行交互操作的代码文件
    与SQL 数据进行交互操作的代码文件 matlab条用数据库 (Code files interoperate with SQL data)
    2015-01-20 11:08:35下载
  • yichuansuanfa4
    通过遗传算法计算下列函数的全局最优值 y(t)=sum(x(t,:).*x(t,:))(Global calculate the following functions by genetic algorithms optimal value y(t)=sum(x(t,:).*x(t,:)) )
    2015-03-16 16:02:57下载
  • DevelopmentsoftheMicroModulatingSpectrometers
    说明:    随着微加工技术的发展和日益成熟 ,微型化光谱仪的研究得以快速发展。和传统的 微型光谱仪相比 ,基于调制原理的光谱仪具有高光通量、 高分辨率的性能优势 ,可广泛应用于生物、化学、 医学等许多领域中对微弱辐射信号的探测。介绍了几种类型的调制光谱仪的结构特点和关键技术 ,分析了设计与制作微型调制光谱仪过程中存在的一些关键问题与难点 ,并总结了该领域的研究进展和发展趋势。( The mat uration of the optical micro2elect ro mechanical systems technology has imp ul sed t he development of t he micro spect rometer . Compared to the t raditional micro spect rometer , t he spect rometer based on modulation can be used in biological , chemical and medical fields to detect t he faint signal s due to it s inherent advantages. An overview of t he development s of t he micro spect rometer based on modulation is presented. The key p roblems in designing and fabricating t he Fourier t ransform spect rometer ( F TS) are discussed , and t he progresses made worldwide in t his field are al so presented.)
    2010-04-11 11:04:16下载
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