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于 2012-05-14 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  关于AUV的深度控制的误差空间模型的控制方法的Matlab仿真,只有代码,可以自己复制粘贴到Matlab(ARIES ERROR SPACE CONTROL CODE)



0 个回复

  • maltlab
    精通matlab科学计算书本上的一些例题(Proficient in matlab scientific computing books on some of the examples)
    2013-11-05 17:34:02下载
  • WileyTheoryandApplicationsofOFDM
    说明:  这个是一个介绍OFDM原理的资料,对于初学者来说很好用(This is an introduction to the principle of OFDM data is useful for beginners)
    2011-02-25 10:45:42下载
  • unified
    统一混沌系统的simulink文件可以自己改变参数(unified chaotic system Simulink documents themselves can change the parameters)
    2006-11-13 18:34:40下载
  • bloqueacceedisc
    bloquer/débloquer l accès à une partition donnée
    2013-12-27 17:46:30下载
  • yichuansuanfa
    遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)是通过对自然界中生物的遗传和优胜劣汰的进化过程进行模拟与抽象,进而形成的一种自适应全局随机优化搜索方法。遗传算法只需提供目标函数作为寻优信息,它从某一随机生成的初始群体出发,经过选择、交叉和变异等遗传操作后对个体进行适应度评价,保留适应度较强的个体遗传到子代种群中,经过多次的迭代计算求得最优个体,即问题的最优解。本程序采用遗传算法可求解微网优化运行。(Genetic Algorithm is an adaptive global by nature, genetic and biological survival of the fittest evolutionary process simulation and abstract, and thus the formation of stochastic optimization search method. Just provide genetic algorithm optimization objective function as an information, which is generated from a random initial population of departure, after genetic manipulation, such as selection, crossover and mutation of individuals fitness evaluation, retained a strong individual genetic fitness to child on behalf of the population, after several iterations of computing the optimal solution to get the optimal individual, that is the problem. This program uses a genetic algorithm to solve the optimal operation of the micro-network.)
    2021-03-11 18:29:26下载
  • 84
    说明:  滚动轴承故障诊断是机械故障检测中一个重要方面。使用小波包分析和包络分析相结合的方法提取轴承微弱振动信号, 克服了传统包络分析方法易丢失信号有效成分的缺点。包络信号的细化谱较好体现了轴承故障信息。(Bearing Fault Diagnosis of mechanical fault detection in an important aspect. The use of wavelet packet analysis and envelope analysis method of combining extracts bearing vibration signal weak to overcome the traditional envelope analysis method easy to lose the signal disadvantage of the active ingredient. Refinement of the envelope signal spectrum better reflects the bearing fault information.)
    2013-08-15 20:01:14下载
  • SQPM
    用基于拉格朗日函数Hesse阵的SQP方法求解约束优化问题(Hesse matrix based on Lagrange function with the SQP method for solving constrained optimization problems)
    2011-09-06 13:12:43下载
  • Project
    (信号与系统实验GUI)本软件针对信号与系统这门课的特点,以信号分析和系统分析作为展示课程内容的主线编写而。信号分析和系统分析两个模块包含了丰富的功能可供使用者参考。((Signal and System Experiment GUI) The software for signal and system characteristics of this course to signal analysis and system analysis as a showcase for the preparation and main course content. Signal analysis and system analysis two modules contain a wealth of features for users' reference.)
    2013-10-19 17:14:52下载
  • boost_current
    boost电路matlab仿真 采用电流闭环(boost circuit the matlab simulation using current closed loop)
    2013-03-30 13:17:09下载
  • yanghualvshengchanzhuangkuang
    本文回顾了选矿一拜耳法新工艺的立项背景和研究历程及取得的技术成果,阐述了选矿一拜耳法新工艺对我国氧化铝工业发展产生的重大与深远意义。(This paper reviews the Bayer beneficiation of a new technology project background and progress of the research and technological achievements, described the new technology of beneficiation of a Bayer alumina industry development of China' s important and far-reaching significance.)
    2010-09-01 16:58:06下载
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