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  4-QAM 的optisystem平台,相干接收,BER结果(the platform about optisystem, which is based on cohenrent 4QAM)


Coherent 4 QAM.osd,8045056,2012-05-11



0 个回复

  • 不同进间通讯
    说明:  实现vc下不同进程之间的通讯:Copyrecv接收进程,Copysend发送进程(achieve vc different process of communication between : Copyrecv receiving process, this process Copysend)
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  • ikvei
    随机调制信号下的模拟ppm,结合PCA的尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)算法,包括主成分分析、因子分析、贝叶斯分析。( Random ppm modulated analog signal under Combined with PCA scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) algorithm, Including principal component analysis, factor analysis, Bayesian analysis.)
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  • 54886756
    使用树形控件,VC++编程精选学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Use the tree controls, select learning VC++ programming source code, a good reference.)
    2013-11-20 12:17:31下载
  • 4layer
    多炮声波PML边界正演 时间二阶空间十阶 速度场为200*200 添加PML边界后为300*300.边界计算包括4个边及4个角点。初始震源位置位于(150,50处) 输入速度模型为3层,2000/2500/3000,放在model.bin中 输出数据为finite_difference_150_50_2.bin 主程序参考王恩江4239091.基于linux环境编译。(finite_difference,model based on linux envirenment,3 layer)
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  • active
    基于C++ alt控件编程教程。对于初学者有很好的指导作用。(It is ALT control base on C++ and good for the beginner.)
    2010-12-31 23:33:32下载
  • DH
    说明:  Diffie-Hellman:一种确保共享KEY安全穿越不安全网络的方法,它是OAKLEY的一个组成部分。Whitefield与Martin Hellman在1976年提出了一个奇妙的密钥交换协议,称为Diffie-Hellman密钥交换协议/算法(Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange/Agreement Algorithm).这个机制的巧妙在于需要安全通信的双方可以用这个方法确定对称密钥。然后可以用这个密钥进行加密和解密。但是注意,这个密钥交换协议/算法只能用于密钥的交换,而不能进行消息的加密和解密。双方确定要用的密钥后,要使用其他对称密钥操作加密算法实际加密和解密消息。(DH Protocol source code)
    2014-04-16 11:05:46下载
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    LTE prach的信令分析代码,由协议解析出数据处理需要的信息(The signaling LTE PRACH analysis code, the protocol analysis data processing need information )
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  • minusb
    USB driver code for windows nt........complete functionality
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  • homework
    使用ODBC访问数据库,一则ODBC是直接封装在MFC库里面的,二则忙着考研没有时间学习dao。 ODBC和DAO用起来可能最大的区别就是ODBC使用之前得先建立数据源,根据不同的数据库,使用的参数也不同。具体请看在这之前的一片文章。里面有许多东西没有说,属于高级技巧性东西,得学你们自己摸索。(Using ODBC to access the database, an ODBC database directly encapsulated in the MFC inside, two busy Kaoyan no time to learn dao. ODBC and DAO can be at the biggest difference is that must be built before using ODBC data source, depending on the database, the parameters used are also different. Details, please read an article before this. There are many things not said, things are high skill, have to learn your own. )
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  • UnixShell4osDesign
    Unix shell是unix的命令解释程序,用于让用户以一种友好的方式运行程序和执行命令。 本课程设计要求学生在linux下写一个命令解释程序,实现Ksh最基本的功能。即:允许用 户打入一个可执行的程序的名字以及其命令行参数,执行这个程序。同时实现一部分内部命 令(比如cd,详见要实现的命令),以及输入输出重定向等功能。(Unix shell is unix order to explain procedures to enable users to a friendly manner operational procedures and the enforcement of the order. The courses require students to design the linux under orders to write an interpretation of procedures, Ksh most basic functions. : Allows users to enter an executable program and the name of its command line parameters, the implementation of this procedure. Simultaneously part of the internal commands (such as cd, details to be achieved in order), and redirect input and output functions.)
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