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于 2012-05-11 发布 文件大小:334KB
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  MATLAB中deploytool的一个demo。写了一个简单的GUI,然后新建deploytool工程,编译,运行成功。需要你的计算机上有MCRInstall(a demo for matlab deploytool.A GUI program is given which have been compilered into exe.You need MCR.)



0 个回复

  • MatLabGCSXYY
    MatLab工程数学应用 非常有用的书 尤其是在数学应用方面(MatLab Application Engineering Mathematics book very useful especially in applications of mathematics)
    2008-05-14 22:31:14下载
  • New-folder
    this is a one program about active contour
    2011-05-10 15:33:06下载
    基于T-S模糊模型的PDH算法,文件里包含一个实例,以便理解。(PDH algorithm based on TS fuzzy model, the file contains one instance, in order to understand.)
    2014-11-18 20:39:43下载
  • noise estimation
    噪声谱估计方法,包括“minimum tracking”,“MCRA algorithm”,“IMCRA algorithm”,“Continuous minimal tracking”。(This folder contains noise-estimation algorithms,include: minimum tracking , MCRA algorithm , IMCRA algorithm , Continuous minimal tracking .)
    2015-06-30 14:30:32下载
  • Morph-Border
    a program which extract the border of an image with border extraction algorithm
    2011-02-06 23:04:17下载
  • A-survey-of-medical-image-registration-(2039
    A good survvy in the field of segment and other direction.How to choose a better method to improve the effect.
    2013-12-28 07:41:19下载
  • shili
    matlab gui, 包括了4个很好的例子: 1.具有多个坐标轴的GUI,主要学习控制哪一个坐标轴是绘图命令的对象和用编辑文本框读入输入的数。 2.列表框目录阅读器,主要学习获取路径,加载,打开文件 3.从列表框中存取工作区变量,学习把存在于基本工作区的变量名放进列表框,选择多项等 4.地址簿阅读器,这个比较综合,用得技术也比较多。包括打开,保存,修改mat文件,利用handles结构保存和重新调用共享数据。(matlab gui, including four very good example: 1. with multiple axes of GUI, the main learning control which axis is the object of drawing commands and edit the text boxes with the number of read input. 2. The list box directory reader, the main study to obtain the path, load, open the file 3. From the variable list box to access the work area, learning the basic work area exists in the variable names into the list box, select a number of other 4 . address book readers, the more integrated, more technology used. Including open, save, modify mat file, save and re-use handles structure called shared data.)
    2010-06-04 01:37:49下载
  • Abcd2pi
    假定运行区域内的发电机的开路特性的V型曲线;(Assuming the operation area of generator breaker characteristics of v-shaped curve,)
    2010-03-11 10:17:19下载
  • LDPCbianyima
    QC_LDPC 编译码的程序和扩频序列的程序,希望对大家有用(QC_LDPC coding and decoding process and the spreading sequence of procedures in the hope that useful)
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  • feixianxing
    一个非线性系统利用连续系统按环节离散化的数字仿真(Digital simulation of nonlinear continuous system of discrete link)
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