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于 2012-05-10 发布 文件大小:186KB
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  JAVA图书查询系统。主要练习面向对象一种思维,实习最终代码。已编译通过(JAVA book search system. Practice when preparing their submissions the ultimate source, the main practice of object-oriented way of thinking.)



0 个回复

  • RPC
    自己实现的一个简单RPC自己实现的一个简单RPC自己实现的一个简单RPC(A simple RPC own implementation,bala bala bala bala bala bala)
    2015-04-02 15:17:52下载
  • commons-collections4-4.2-bin
    说明:  因为某些国家的进口管制限制,Java发布的运行环境包中的加解密有一定的限制。比如默认不允许256位密钥的AES加解密,解决方法就是修改策略文件。(Because of the restrictions of import control in some countries, there are some restrictions on the encryption and decryption in the operating environment package released by Java. For example, AES encryption and decryption of 256 bit key is not allowed by default. The solution is to modify the policy file.)
    2020-01-02 11:38:40下载
  • design-documents
    网页信息采集子系统: 网页采集:动态查找及实时分析新增网页,读取网页回帖信息。 网页过滤:,对获取的网页,通过网页清洗模块清除网页中的广告、导航信息、 图片、版权说明等噪声数据,萃取出相关网页的标题、正文、链接地址、采集时 间、回帖、发帖人数等数据。 网页信息预处理子系统: 网页审查脏字:主要功能包括中文分词、词性标注、命名实体识别、新词识别, 建立数据库说明每类词库,建立敏感词词库。 网页舆情监测:监测是否出现了一定影响的舆论,即回帖的回帖或支持、顶等 达到一个预先设定的阈值; 舆情分析子系统: 汇总网站舆情:汇总整个网站的舆情监控信息,自动生成报告。(Web information collection subsystem: the pages collection: dynamic lookup and real-time analysis of the new website, read pages Replies. Web filtering: to clear advertising pages, navigation information, images, copyright noise data access pages via web cleaning module, extract the relevant page title, text, link address, acquisition time, posts, posting number and other data. Web information preprocessing subsystem: Web review dirty: The main features include the Chinese word segmentation, POS tagging, named entity recognition, new word identification, to establish a database description of each type of thesaurus, and the establishment of a sensitive word thesaurus. Page opinion monitoring: monitoring whether there is a certain influence public opinion, that a reply to the post or support other top reaches a preset threshold public opinion analysis subsystems: summary website public opinion, public opinion monitoring information: summary of the entire site, automatically generate re)
    2021-04-01 21:59:08下载
  • liu
    基于J2EE企业人事信息管理系统设计 企业人事信息管理系统,主要是企业内员工对信息的操作。普通用户登录时,可以查询自己的信息,管理员登录时,可以按部门,或者员工编号查询信息,也可以增加,删除,修改,备份数据。管理员登录时,可以对后台信息进行管理。(Based on J2EE enterprise personnel information management system designed corporate personnel information management system, mainly the operation of the enterprise information staff. Ordinary user login, you can query the information, an administrator logs on, by department or employee number query information can also be increased, delete, modify, backup data. The administrator login background information management.)
    2013-03-20 16:07:39下载
  • AbstractWindowedCursorTest
    Abstract Windowed Cursor Test Source Code for Andriod.
    2013-10-12 16:26:33下载
  • 100java
    这是Java编程的好资源,是有关100个例子的,欢迎下载(This is a good Java programming resources, is about 100 examples, please download)
    2011-12-09 17:56:40下载
  • jazzlib-0.07
    说明:  Jazzlib-0.07 net.sf.jazzlib.*
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  • spring-demo
    说明:  spring demo as spring boot
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  • dubbo
    说明:  Java SpringBoot整合dubbo实例(Java SpringBoot integration dubbo Example)
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