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  VC++ 源代码 文档 共10节 第一节(VC source code files a total of 10 Section I)



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  • source-code
    Opencv教程的实例源代码 书中的C/C++语言实例。各实例子目录中的*.dsw和*.dsp文件分别为Windows下Visual C++ 6.0的Workspace文件和Project文件;Makefile是Linux下GNU Make的输入文件。在Windows环境下,双击*.dsw文件将会启动Visual C++ 6.0并装载该实例;在Linux环境下,输入make命令就可以编译该实例。(Opencv tutorial source code examples in the book of C/C++ language examples. .. Each instance subdirectory* dsw and* dsp files are under Visual C++ 6.0 for Windows File and Project Workspace file Makefile Linux is GNU Make the input file. In the Windows environment, double* dsw file will start the Visual C++ 6.0 and load the instance in the Linux environment, enter the make command to compile the examples.)
    2013-12-05 22:28:11下载
  • advanced-logging
    事件记录类,可直接包含事件记录类,可支持文件和窗口输出两种事件记录方式(Event log category, including event logging class directly, support documents and windows event log output of two ways)
    2011-08-14 08:15:48下载
  • qqrobot_0.1.3
    说明:  QQRobot主要用于实现 网站 和 QQ 之间的互动。 用户通过自己的QQ 实时接收来自网站的消息/内容,并且通过QQ向网站发布自己的内容。 以此加强网站服务的实时性,和提高用户对网站的粘着度。 (QQ ROBOT)
    2011-03-28 16:08:02下载
  • Calculator
    a calculator in c++ that you can calculate mass problems so easy with
    2012-04-27 19:19:38下载
  • GuiLibwithMFC
    著名的界面源码,使用MFC,demo中实现了很多著名的界面,如VC2003、OutLook、Office、PowerPoint等的界面。(famous source interface using MFC, the demo to fulfill the many famous interface, If VC2003, OutLook, Office, PowerPoint, and other interface.)
    2020-06-26 04:20:01下载
  • mcisendstring
    小眼使用VB API"mciSendString"制作功能强大的音乐播放控件,可以播放MP3,WAV,MID等格式的音乐。控件的属性和方法包括:播放,暂停,停止,获取总时长,获取当前播放进度,设置播放进度,设置音量大校可以以他为内核制作一个十分强大的播放器(Small eyes using VB API "mciSendString" making powerful music player controls, can play MP3, WAV, MID and other music formats. Properties and methods of control include: play, pause, stop, get the total length, get the current playback progress, set the playback progress, set the volume for the kernel colonel can make him a very powerful player)
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  • Visual-C-chap4
    Visual C++编程与项目开发编程实例 chap4(Visual C++ programming and project development corresponding source code programming examples chap4)
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  • DSP-based
    基于多DSP的雷达阵列信号处理系统 (DSP-based multi-array radar signal processing system)
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  • PrintCtrl
    打印机控制,C++的动态库,编译过,好用(print control)
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  • commatlab
    说明:  matlab具有强大的函数库,VC具有高效率的优点。通过com接口将VC和matlab进行连接,本程序实现了VC调用matlab中的magic函数。(Matlab has powerful functions, VC with high efficiency advantages. Com interface through VC and Matlab connect, the program of VC call Matlab function of magic.)
    2021-03-02 22:29:33下载
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