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  MATLAB Codes of Adaptive Filter Theory 4th edition by Simon Haykin



0 个回复

  • DMC
    预测控制 DMC算法 用与智能控制系统,实现系统的优化控制(MPC control program is used to analysis the system )
    2012-06-27 16:41:19下载
  • rsum02
    这是一个MADLAB的例程,对于数学建模有很大帮助(This is a MADLAB routines are very helpful for mathematical modeling)
    2014-01-06 20:21:18下载
  • Cnv_encd
    determines the output sequence of a binary convolutional encoder
    2010-10-19 05:00:50下载
  • pca
    主成分分析 还不错的程序 有需要的可以试试(pca for zhe value)
    2010-11-16 15:49:20下载
  • cv_pdaf
    CV模型,利用概率数据关联算法和最近邻算法对其进行跟踪滤波,保证正确(CV model, the probabilistic data association algorithm and the nearest neighbor filter algorithm to track and ensure the correct)
    2021-03-24 15:39:14下载
  • ballbeam20110127
    BALLBEAM demonsrates Proportional-Derivative (PD) control as applied to a ball and beam simulation experiment. Execute by calling with no arguments. P and PD controllers are implemented which manipulates the beam angle in response to the position of the ball on the beam. The setpoint is indicated by the red marker and adjusted using the slider at the bottom of the figure. The control gain, Kc, and the Derivative Time constant, Td, are adjusted by a sliders located in the right hand control panel. Simulation data is stored in ballbeam.mat for subsequent analysis and parameter estimation. This demo was originally developed with Matlab 5.3 and Matlab 6.0. Some of the user interface code was shamelessly ripped out of the standard Matlab demos. The demo is now updated for Matlab 2010b with additional documentation and suggested exercises for classroom use.
    2011-02-04 01:35:45下载
  • MVAbankrupt
    Computes the effects of financial characteristics on bankrupt with logit model
    2013-04-30 22:22:27下载
  • gabor
    gabor变换是非平稳信号处理的有效方法之一,在时频平面内可获得最佳划分(gabor transform one of the effective methods of non-stationary signal processing, get the best in the division of the frequency plane)
    2014-01-30 17:35:16下载
  • Matlab
    Matlab循序渐进,对初学者很有用哦,努力吧(Matlab step-by-step, useful for beginners Oh, efforts to bar)
    2008-04-09 09:32:14下载
  • Project
    OFDM simulated in Matlab
    2009-07-01 08:22:54下载
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