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于 2007-01-23 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  利用CIC滤波器实现中频脉冲信号的包络检波(use CIC filters IF signal pulse envelope detector)



0 个回复

  • DesignofthePMSMServeDeviceBasedonDSP
    本文介绍了以T M S 3 2 0 L F 2 4 0 7 为核心 的 P M S M 伺服控制装置设计, 包括永磁同步电机的矢量控制方法, 以 及 D S P 及旋转变压器 一 一 数字转换器电路的硬件设计和积分分离 P I D 、 M / T 法测速的软件设计方法。实验 结果表明,该伺服装置达到了较高的速度 /位置响应速度和控制精度(:A P M S M s e r v o d e v i c e b a s e d o n D S P T M S 3 2 0 L F 2 4 0 7 i s i n t r o d u c e d i n t h i s p a p e r . C o n t a i n i n g th e v e c t o r c o n t r o l m e t h o d o f P M S M , t h e c ir c u i t d e s i g n o f D S P a n d r e s o l v e r — t o — d i g i t a l c o n v e r t e r a n d t h e s o f t w a r e d e s i g n o f i n t e g r a l s e p a r a t e d P ID a I】 d M rvelocit y c a l c u l a t i o n . T h e e x p e r im e n t a l r e s u l t v e r i f i e s th e f a s t v e l o c i t y ~ p o s i t i o n r e s p o n d i n g a n d a c c u r a c y o f t h e s e r v o d e v i c e .)
    2010-01-16 08:52:10下载
  • Practical-Image-Processing
    How to learn matlab.
    2012-09-11 03:43:24下载
  • zaoshenganrao
    雷达线性调频信号加各类噪声干扰然后经脉冲压缩实现(Radar signal is applied to various types of noise)
    2013-04-25 22:52:43下载
  • eetop.cn_LTE-simulation-C
    LTE上行链路仿真C代码,包含CRC添加、信道编码、信号调制、基带信号等~(LTE simulation for the uplink of C code, including CRC added, channel coding, modulation, baseband signal. )
    2013-11-25 14:50:32下载
  • matlab6
    说明:  《matlab小波分析》第6章的例题的源代码!(&quot Matlab wavelet analysis,&quot Chapter 6 example source code!)
    2009-08-11 11:29:08下载
  • signal_denoising1
    应用matlab语言编写,可用于一维信号去噪,去噪效果较好。(Application matlab language, can be used for one-dimensional signal de-noising, de-noising better.)
    2013-07-14 20:19:45下载
  • curvefit
    应用最小二乘法为判断标准进行平面点的椭圆拟合matlab程序,程序不是很复杂,适合matlab的初学者,或者直接应用在自己的处理数据当中,相信很做图像处理的人很实用(Application of the least squares method is a criterion elliptic plane point fitting matlab program, the program is not very complicated for beginners matlab, or direct application in their data processing which, I believe it is to do image processing, it is very practical)
    2016-07-21 17:20:40下载
  • MATLABcode
    名字已经很清楚了,结构分析有限元法与MATLAB程序设计-源代码(Name is already quite clear, structural analysis finite element method with the MATLAB program design- the source code)
    2009-03-10 09:38:14下载
  • Wireless_two_ray_model
    Wireless two ray model, exact and estimate assumtion.
    2009-12-13 07:40:32下载
  • u
    这是关于层次分析法、聚类分析、主成分分析的源代码(This is about the level of analysis, cluster analysis, principal component analysis of the source code)
    2013-09-13 16:32:42下载
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