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于 2007-01-18 发布 文件大小:1817KB
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  生产者和消费者的问题,主要解决进程的同步和异步的问题(producers and consumers that the main problem solving process synchronous and asynchronous problems)



0 个回复

  • VB6diqu
    今天给大家带来使用文本文件作为数据源的 ComboBox中国城市三级联动的代码。 1.地区库更新非常方便,不会影响到其他功能(区划代码是唯一的)。 2.文本文件读取来速度很快。(n the past, I used VB6 to write an example of three-level linkage of ComboBox in Chinese cities, using MDB database. A few years ago, the code, the regional database is not the latest. Today we bring you the code of ComboBox, which uses text files as data sources, for three-level linkage of Chinese cities. 1. The regionalization library updates are very convenient and will not affect other functions (regionalization code is the only one). 2. Text files are read very fast.)
    2019-06-05 09:34:04下载
  • Blind-Beamforming-
    基于盲波束形成的波达方向──多普勒稳健估计(Based on Blind Beamforming DOA ─ ─ Doppler robust estimation)
    2013-12-26 12:38:50下载
  • vc71453453624
    Shell监视程序,用于监视键盘和鼠标的输入输出,并有效地记录下来。(Shell monitoring program to monitor keyboard and mouse for input and output, and effectively recorded.)
    2010-05-09 16:15:29下载
  • superideoplayer
    THE efective ways for player, and the useful code, make you study the media, the technology.
    2008-03-19 16:00:22下载
  • word2vec
    google开源工具,实现深度学习,相关词发现(word2vec source)
    2014-12-11 13:34:39下载
  • VC++ 五子棋包括网络版与单机版
    利用C++语言编写的五子棋单机版和网络版的结合,需要的朋友可以下载,里面附有源码,没有夹杂其他平台的纯VC++(The combination of gobang single edition and network version written in C++ language needs friends to download, which contains source code, no pure VC++ mixed with other platforms.)
    2017-12-13 22:19:10下载
  • 63464856346
    VB武林快打(打字软件)源代码,有需要的就下载吧。(VB Wulin Fighter (typing software) source code, there is a need to download it.)
    2013-08-04 15:15:08下载
  • VisualAssist-10.9.2052
    Visual Assist V10.9.2052 最新版 2014.11.05 原版安装文件及破解dll文件 压缩包内包含VisualAssist10.9.2052原版安装文件和破解后的dll文件 使用方法: 1 执行VA_X_Setup2052.exe安装原版文件 (官方下载地址:http://www.wholetomato.com/downloads/default.asp) 2 在电脑内搜索VA_X.dll文件的位置 把下载到的破解dll文件覆盖原VA_X.dll文件. Windows7系统和VisualStudio2013的VA_X dll所在路径: C:Users你的用户名\AppDataLocalMicrosoftVisualStudio12.0Extensions随机字符串的文件夹 3 安装破解结束 注:(使用时VisualAssist的版本信息显示License:trial 不影响使用,可使用VA的全部功能,时间永不过期)(Visual Assist V10.9.2052 original installation files and crack dll file dll file compression package that contains VisualAssist10.9.2052 use the original installation files and after the break: an execution VA_X_Setup2052.exe original installation file (official download address: http: // www. wholetomato.com/downloads/default.asp) 2 search VA_X.dll position in the computer file to download to crack dll file overwrite the original file VA_X.dll Windows7 system and VisualStudio2013 of VA_X dll path where:. C: Users Your username AppData Local Microsoft VisualStudio 12.0 Extensions files folder random string end Note 3 to install the cracked version :( When using VisualAssist information display License: trial does not affect the use, you can use all VA function, time never expires))
    2014-12-19 17:26:55下载
  • Event
    这是一个关于EVEN的使用方法的程序,运用常用的函数,实现了多事件的处理方法(This is a study on the use of EVEN procedures, the use of commonly used functions, the realization of a multi-event approach)
    2008-05-15 23:01:30下载
    一段TCP和UDP通讯的程序,包含了服务器端和客户端的代码。(Some TCP and UDP communication procedures, including server and client code.)
    2014-07-21 08:28:29下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104509会员总数
  • 10今日下载