HTK 应用,训练数据,HCOPY,辨识语音,HMM,(HTK applications, training data, HCOPY, voice recognition, HMM,)
- 2009-11-13 15:35:50下载
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code for voice analysis final code for sapeech recognition
- 2009-06-02 00:04:56下载
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本系统是基于矢量量化技术的说话人识别系统。可根据语音库以及实时录音识别且具有图形用户界面。压缩包内含有源码、语音信息库音频及演示视频等。(The system is based on vector quantization speaker recognition system. Identifiable and has a graphical user interface based on speech and real-time recording. Within the compressed package contains the source code, voice information and presentation of audio and video.)
- 2015-04-16 15:19:25下载
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这里面的代码是2DPCA的。这篇文章发表在PAMI上,Two-Dimensional PCA:
A New Approach to Appearance-Based
Face Representation and Recognition.google搜索已经引用681次。这里的代码是原作者的。这个分类不太好,语音识别是最近的,这是模式识别里的经典算法。(matlab code of 2DPCA)
- 2010-01-05 19:41:55下载
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语音信号的时域、频域分析,包括短时能量分析、短时平均过零率、自相关函数、短时平均幅度差函数等。(Time-domain speech signal, frequency domain analysis, including short-term energy analysis, the average short-term zero-crossing rate, autocorrelation function, such as short-time average magnitude difference function.)
- 2013-12-31 18:51:58下载
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该文件为基于DTW的孤立词识别系统(特定人、小词汇量,未采用鲁棒语音识别技术)(The document DTW for isolated word recognition system based on (a specific person, small vocabulary, did not use robust speech recognition technology))
- 2014-09-23 10:28:25下载
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对语音信号基频的提取对于语音信号的分析有一定作用(Basic frequency of speech Analysis )
- 2014-05-22 12:28:43下载
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一个有效的,可以直接运行的HMM—GMM代码,而且带有语音数据。不存在任何障碍,值得初学者下载的浅显易懂的例子。(An effective, the HMM-GMM code that can be run directly, and with the voice data. There are no obstacles, beginners should download easy to understand examples.)
- 2012-12-16 00:09:34下载
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详细介绍了程序源代码(An LMS adaptive signal enhancement. The input signal is a sine wave with added white noise. The detailed description is in the program source code)
- 2010-05-17 16:27:14下载
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男女声识别程序,中科院数字信号处理第二次作业,分辨率百分之90 以上,带GUI,在前人基础上修改,保证能用,不能用联系我(Male and female vocal recognition program, digital signal processing operations of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, resolution of more than 90 , with a GUI, modify their predecessors on the basis of guaranteed to not use)
- 2013-01-10 15:50:23下载
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