对语音进行的时频分析,语音识别技术作为信息社会朝着智能化和自动化方向发展的关键技术之一,具有重要的研究意义和实用价值。经过近五十年的艰苦探索和研究,语音识别技术研究获得了极大的发展,其中有些比较成熟的技术已经逐步应用于日常生活中。但总体来说,语音识别在研究和实用化方面的难度还比较大。本文概括介绍了语音识别技术的全貌,所采用的关键技术、具体应用以及当前所面临的困难,并对单个语音样本在MATLAB上进行了仿真分析。(right voice for the time-frequency analysis Speech recognition technology as the information society towards automation and intelligent direction of one of the key technologies. The study has important significance and practical value. After nearly 50 years of painstaking study and research, speech recognition technology is a great development, Some of the more mature technologies have gradually applied to daily life. But on the whole, the speech recognition research and the practical difficulty is relatively large. This paper introduces voice recognition technology landscape and the use of key technologies, specific application and the current difficulties faced by, as well as samples in a single voice on the MATLAB simulation analysis.)