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于 2012-05-05 发布 文件大小:155KB
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  调频电路的matlab simulink 仿真(The objectives of this laboratory are: To investigate frequency modulation characteristics in the frequency domain. To implement a classical double-tuned FM demodulator and measure its characteristics. To implement a modern PLL FM demodulator and measure its characteristics. To investigate the effect of FM signal bandwidth on the detected signal-to-noise ratio.)





0 个回复

  • lab1
    基于 Matlab Simulink 的频谱分析。(The objectives of this laboratory are: To introduce the spectrum analyzer as used in frequency domain analysis. To identify various types of linear modulated waveforms in time and frequency domain representations. To implement theoretically functional circuits using the Communications Module Design System (CMDS).)
    2012-05-05 08:59:17下载
  • cavity
    Using spectra to calculate strength of reflections and losses in passive cavities.The wavelength, reflection spectrum and transmission spectrum should be in the first 3 columns of an Excel file, which is selected when the cavity.m Matlab file is run. (Using spectra to calculate strength of reflections and losses in passive cavities.The wavelength, reflection spectrum and transmission spectrum should be in the first 3 columns of an Excel file, which is selected when the cavity.m Matlab file is run.)
    2007-09-09 08:02:23下载
  • csa
    免疫克隆算法优化函数的程序,matlab环境下实现(Immune clonal algorithm to optimize the function of the program under the Matlab environment)
    2012-05-26 21:56:06下载
  • 64QAM
    2009-12-08 13:26:51下载
  • chessboard
    Demo of Hough Transform for straight lines This assumes that the Sussex vision library is in your Matlab path.
    2010-02-12 20:22:22下载
  • Kalmanlvboqi
    卡尔曼滤波器代码 包括不同噪声时信号的比较(Kalman filter code including different noise signal comparison)
    2013-05-09 15:02:12下载
  • neural-network-matlab-source-program
    关于神经网络的matlab源程序,程序内有详细的注释。(About neural network matlab source program with detailed notes.)
    2013-12-10 09:32:06下载
  • vmd
    说明:  VMD是通过迭代搜寻变分模型(具体怎么搜寻,请亲们自己看,我主要讲他的大概)最优解, 来确定我们所知的模态uk(t)及其对应的中心频率ωk和带宽。 每个模态都是具有中心频率的有限带宽(就是在频域中有在一定的宽度)。所有模态之和为源信号。(VMD is to determine the modal UK (t) and its corresponding central frequency, k and bandwidth by iteratively searching for the optimal solution of the variational model (see dear friends for details, and I will mainly talk about his approximate solution). Each mode is a finite bandwidth with a central frequency (that is, a certain width in the frequency domain).The sum of all modes is the source signal.)
    2020-05-22 17:09:22下载
  • QQ
    说明:  matlab编程的好工具 toolbar(toolbar welcome)
    2009-03-15 23:05:10下载
  • emd_online
    将文件扩展名改成“.m”就可以直接放在工具箱里用了 计算经验模态分解( EMD_ONLINE (On Line Empirical Mode Decomposition) computes on-line EMD IMPORTANT: EMD_ONLINE does not truly apply EMD on-line but it does AS IF. It is rather a demonstration that EMD can be applied on-line.)
    2011-11-12 15:15:55下载
  • 696518资源总数
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