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于 2011-06-08 发布 文件大小:90KB
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  对图像进行约束最小二乘滤波复原,并调用edgetaper函数,减弱噪声放大效应和振铃现象(image restoration deconvreg)





0 个回复

    MATLAB实现ASK, OOK, FSK, BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK调制源代码(Free Source Code for ASK, OOK, FSK, BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK Digital Modulation in FPGAs Xilinx using system generator (ASK, BPSK, FSK, OOK, QPSK) )
    2009-07-02 14:33:40下载
  • harris
    In the fields of computer vision and image analysis, the Harris-affine region detector belongs to the category of feature detection. Feature detection is a preprocessing step of several algorithms that rely on identifying characteristic points or interest points so to make correspondences between images, recognize textures, categorize objects or build panoramas.
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  • License-plate-recognition
    基于神经网络的车牌识别matlab源码。好东西(License plate recognition based on neural network matlab source)
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  • fcn_SR_KF
    This file compares three different versions of the Kalman filter. The Kalman filter is used for recursive parameter estimation. The Kalman filter can handle noisy measurements. The first implemented filter (fcn_KF) is the Kalman filter with standard update of the covariance matrix P. The covariance matrix reflects the uncertainties of the predictions. To improve the numerical stability Potter developed a square root update (fcn_KF_SRP) of the covariance matrix P. Another version is the square root covariance update via triangularization (fcn_KF_SRT). This file generates a model. Then the three Kalman filters perform an estimation of the model parameter. At the end the results are compared. Sources: Simon, D. (2006): Optimal state estimation Kaminski, P. (1971): Discrete Square Root Filtering: A Survey of Current Techniques Golub, G. (1996): Matrix Computations
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  • dynamic response of onefreedom structure
    说明:  一个单自由度结构的地震响应,文件包含EL地震波,采用三种方法计算,激励插值法,中心差分法和Newmark法。(The seismic response of a single-degree-of-freedom structure contains EL seismic waves, which are calculated by three methods: excitation interpolation method, central difference method and Newmark method.)
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    本代码包括经典的MMSE方法和LCMV方法的推导,并包括两种方法的仿真,很有用!(The code includes the derivation of the classical methods and LCMV MMSE method, and includes simulation of the two methods, very useful!)
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  • LR
    说明:  这个是matlab里基于LR算法对模拟运动模糊并且加入高斯噪声进行复原的算法(This is carried out in the recovery matlab LR algorithm based simulation of motion blur and add Gaussian noise algorithm)
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  • lmsychengxu
    自适应滤波器LMS算法的改进后的源程序的MATLAB程序(LMS adaptive filter algorithm improved source)
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  • aumerical-integ-ration
    : 针对实际振动位移难以获取的问题, 利用振动位移与加速度信号之间的关系, 先对采样后的加速度信 号采用时域数值积分,得到含有趋势项的速度信号及位移信号,再采用拟合多项式极值的方法, 消除积分过程 中产生的趋势项,从而得到更为精确的速度和位移信号. 算例表明, 利用拟合多项式极值消除趋势项的方法, 得到的位移时程曲线拟合精度高(: In pract ical engineering , the collection of displacement data is mo re dif ficult than that of the acceleratio n data in the time-domain .Displacement sig nals w as g ot f rom acceleration s ignals using aumerical integrat ion , wi th the t rend o f erro r. Poly nomial fit ting method o f ex t reme value to eliminate the trend of erro r w as proposed . More precise di splacement data can be acquired f rom thi s algo rithm. The example show s that thi s alg orithm can get hig h accuracy displacement data f rom the acceleration data mo re easi ly .)
    2014-12-14 18:11:57下载
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