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于 2011-06-08 发布 文件大小:2196KB
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  纹理特征提取佛挡杀佛规划环境和规范化多少倒萨打算颠三倒四的(Texture feature extraction block to kill the Buddha Buddha Planning, Environment and standardization of the number of Saddam' s intention to topsy-turvy)



0 个回复

  • 水平集
    说明:  代码论文Active Contours Without Edges(code paper Active Contours Without Edges)
    2020-05-24 18:21:39下载
  • MAP
    实现图像的超分辨率算法,采用最大后验(MAP)算法,实现效果不错。(Image super-resolution algorithm using maximum a posteriori (MAP) algorithm, to achieve good results.)
    2020-09-14 20:08:02下载
  • JPEG2000
    实现了单色图像的JPEG2000编码图像和解码图像!计算其压缩比和误差,观察源图像和重构图像之间的差别!(JPEG2000 images to achieve a monochrome image coding and decoding image! Calculate the compression ratio and error, observation of the source image and the difference between the reconstructed image!)
    2011-05-22 10:57:06下载
  • 标准测试片库 Standard test images
    图像处理标准测试图片库,用于数字图像处理各种仿真实验。(Standard test image gallery image processing to digital image processing all kinds of simulation experiments. )
    2013-04-06 18:33:22下载
  • VBfudiao-
    程序可以实现BMP图片特效处理,包括浮雕效果(bmp picture)
    2012-11-21 11:39:03下载
  • ssim
    图像处理算法质量评估,图像结构相似度(ssim)评价的matlab实现,并附带原始论文pdf(This is an implementation of the algorithm for calculating the Structural SIMilarity (SSIM) index between two images. Please refer to the following paper: Z. Wang, A. C. Bovik, H. R. Sheikh, and E. P. Simoncelli, "Image quality assessment: From error measurement to structural similarity" IEEE Transactios on Image Processing, vol. 13, no. 1, Jan. 2004.)
    2020-06-16 10:00:11下载
  • csp
    脑机接口中运动想象,经典算法共空间模式CSP(common spacial pattern)
    2015-09-19 16:10:20下载
  • ROAPROEWA-algorithm
    最为经典的ROA和ROEWA算子,用于SAR图像边缘检测,并附有一定的实例图像,以说明实验结果。(ROA and ROEWA algorithms are given in order to detect the edge of images, and some images are attached illustrating the experimental results.)
    2021-03-21 20:39:17下载
  • drtoolbox.tar
    这是一个MATLAB工具箱包括32个降维程序,主要包括 pca,lda,MDS等十几个程序包,对于图像处理非常具有参考价值!!( ,This Matlab toolbox implements 32 techniques for dimensionality reduction. These techniques are all available through the COMPUTE_MAPPING function or trhough the GUI. The following techniques are available: - Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ) - Linear Discriminant Analysis ( LDA ) - Multidimensional scaling ( MDS ) - Probabilistic PCA ( ProbPCA ) - Factor analysis ( FactorAnalysis ) - Sammon mapping ( Sammon ) - Isomap ( Isomap ) - Landmark Isomap ( LandmarkIsomap ) - Locally Linear Embedding ( LLE ) - Laplacian Eigenmaps ( Laplacian ) - Hessian LLE ( HessianLLE ) - Local Tangent Space Alignment ( LTSA ) - Diffusion maps ( DiffusionMaps ) - Kernel PCA ( KernelPCA ) - Generalized Discriminant Analysis ( KernelLDA ) )
    2009-03-21 11:43:08下载
  • Choen-Sutherland
    Choen-Sutherland算法裁剪线段 计算机图形学中使用Choen-Sutherland算法进行图形多边形裁剪,并用MFC实现(Choen-Sutherland )
    2010-11-20 18:43:09下载
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