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于 2020-12-04 发布 文件大小:14994KB
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  正在从事科学计算的朋友学习fortran必备的书籍,除了书籍之外,还有原书的例程,好不容易在网上淘到的(Are engaged in scientific computing friends learning fortran necessary books, except books, there is the original book routine, hard-line to Amoy)





0 个回复

  • 《Python Cookbook》第三版中文
    说明:  Python Cookbook第三版书籍(Python Cookbook,the third book)
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  • Class
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  • FastBEM
    关于最新的边界元快速算法的专著,提出了一种代数方法来加快边界元方程组的求解。值得一看。(Boundary Element Methods (BEM) play an important role in modern numer- ical computations in the applied and engineering sciences. Such algorithms are often more convenient than the traditional Finite Element Method (FEM), since the corresponding equations are formulated on the boundary, and, there- fore, a signifi cant reduction of dimensionality takes place. Especially when the physical description of the problem leads to an unbounded domain, traditional methods like FEM become unalluring)
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  • LabVIEW
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