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于 2007-01-02 发布 文件大小:2384KB
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  MATLAB的ppt教程,能够帮助您尽快的学习MATLAB,其中有关于matlab的基础知识以及一些工具箱的使用.(MATLAB ppt and guidance to help you quickly learn MATLAB, which is based on the Matlab toolbox and some knowledge of their use.)



0 个回复

  • Correlation_and_convolution
    About correlation. In signal processing, cross-correlation is a measure of similarity of two waveforms as a function of a time-lag applied to one of them. This is also known as a sliding dot product or inner-product. It is commonly used to search a long duration signal for a shorter, known feature. It also has applications in pattern recognition, single particle analysis, electron tomographic averaging, cryptanalysis, and neurophysiology.
    2011-01-12 16:17:16下载
  • rrt2
    RRT算法的第二种实现方法三维立体效果 适合飞行机器人使用(The three-dimensional effect of the second implementation of the RRT algorithm for flying robots)
    2012-11-23 20:36:08下载
  • kalman
    kalman滤波程序,是一种数据融合程序,主要用以组合导航(kalman filtering process, is a data integration process, mainly for navigation)
    2010-10-25 21:18:33下载
  • dow-jones
    prediction of dow-jones index
    2010-12-25 19:11:43下载
  • ImageForensics-master
    source code for image forensics
    2014-12-18 00:57:23下载
  • kalman
    数字信号处理中 卡尔曼滤波器的 模拟 matlab(kalman fliter matlab)
    2011-12-13 20:34:13下载
  • Applied_Speech_and_Audio_Processing_With_Matlab_Ex
    《Applied Speech and Audio Processing With Matlab Examples》是Cambridge University Press 2009的新书。大家从书的名字里就能知道这本书是干什么的了。("Applied Speech and Audio Processing With Matlab Examples" is a new book published by Cambridge University Press in 2009. We can learn from it title what the book is used for.)
    2010-11-02 14:25:03下载
  • ClassifierforIRISdata
    用于对IRIS数据进行分类的各种分类器,用于对多维采样点进行无监督分类。可根据类别数修改分类器,模式识别作业的部分代码。(IRIS data for the various classification categories, for sampling points on the multi-dimensional non-supervised classification. Can be modified in accordance with several types of classifiers, pattern recognition part of the operating code.)
    2009-07-08 17:37:42下载
  • ch03
    basic matlab codes 3
    2013-02-28 10:53:33下载
  • Discrete-modeling-and-simulation--
    永磁同步电机矢量控制系统离散建模与仿真文从永磁同步电机矢量控制原理出发。在MStlSb7。6/Slmullnk环境下建立了永磁同步电机调 速系统的离散仿真模型(Permanent magnet synchronous motor vector control system of discrete modeling and simulation to departure from the principle of permanent magnet synchronous motor vector control. Discrete simulation model of the permanent magnet synchronous motor speed control system in the environment of the MStlSb7. 6/Slmullnk)
    2012-07-21 16:43:56下载
  • 696519资源总数
  • 104213会员总数
  • 20今日下载