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于 2012-05-01 发布 文件大小:39KB
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  讨论了直接电流控制的几种控制结构,并建立了相应的仿真模型, 进行了仿真和比较分析。研究了它们在稳态性能和动态性能上的优缺点。其 中重点讨论了采用空间电压矢量调制方法(SVPWM)跟踪给定电压矢量,来控 制STATCOM的电流产生,并且采用直流侧电压可交给定。(Discuss the direct current control of several control structure, and the corresponding simulation model, The simulation and comparative analysis. Study of the steady performance and dynamic performance on the advantages and disadvantages. The Mainly discussed the using space vector modulation ( SVPWM ) to track the reference voltage vector, to control STATCOM current is generated, and the DC side voltage be given. )





0 个回复

  • sistsp
    遗传算法在优化路径中的应用研究,这是MATLAB仿真的源程序。(The genetic algorithm optimization applied research in the path, which is the source of the MATLAB simulation.)
    2012-04-21 19:54:24下载
  • project
    2014-08-21 15:24:32下载
  • gate
    gate exam guide book
    2010-08-15 20:03:42下载
  • tlabel
    This program places dates on time axis as DATETICK and works with ZOOM and PAN as DATETICKZOOM by Christophe Lauwerys. But, it also shows the full date after zooming or panning by using the ticks and time-axis label. So, if you zoom in down to second, you won t loose "when" you are. The input arguments are equal to those of DATETICK function, but if more than one axis handle is specified, they all will be LINKED! Also, some other options are available, for example, the use of LOCAL LANGUAGE for the months (default), or the use of an specific date format: DD HH:MM SS.FFF for example. Besides, sometimes with DATETICK you don t get optimal results. This program (try to) fix this problem. Just use it after some plot function with days (see DATENUM) in one of his axis (time-axis): t = linspace(0,1) + now x = rand(size(t)) plot(t,x) axis tight tlabel <---- Enjoy it! Bugs reports and suggestions will be very appreciated! (This program places dates on time axis as DATETICK and works with ZOOM and PAN as DATETICKZOOM by Christophe Lauwerys. But, it also shows the full date after zooming or panning by using the ticks and time-axis label. So, if you zoom in down to second, you won t loose "when" you are. The input arguments are equal to those of DATETICK function, but if more than one axis handle is specified, they all will be LINKED! Also, some other options are available, for example, the use of LOCAL LANGUAGE for the months (default), or the use of an specific date format: DD HH:MM SS.FFF for example. Besides, sometimes with DATETICK you don t get optimal results. This program (try to) fix this problem. Just use it after some plot function with days (see DATENUM) in one of his axis (time-axis): t = linspace(0,1)+ now x = rand(size(t)) plot(t,x) axis tight tlabel <---- Enjoy it! Bugs reports and suggestions will be very appreciated! )
    2009-10-05 21:46:23下载
  • 23
    说明:  数学建模matlab应用总结,针对多个数学模型进行编程(Mathematical modeling matlab application summary)
    2011-11-21 13:02:11下载
  • wavelet-anasys
    小波分析的相关函数,包括很多构造仿真信号的函数,对于初学小波分析的人很有帮助(Wavelet analysis of the correlation function, including many functions constructed simulation signal for beginners who wavelet analysis helpful)
    2015-01-07 09:20:43下载
  • Signals-and-Systems-
    国外出名信号与系统在matlab中的运用书籍,本书涵盖了信号处理,通信工程,自动控制等相关科学的大部分基础知识与理论(Written for junior and senior electrical and computer engineering students, this text is an introduction to signal and system analysis, digital signal processing, and the design of analog and digital filters. The text also serves as a self-study guide for professionals who want to review the fundamentals. The expanded fifth edition contains additional information on window functions, the cross correlation and autocorrelation functions, a discussion on nonlinear systems including an example that derives its describing function, as well as additional end-of-chapter exercises.)
    2013-05-08 20:18:01下载
  • yankebingchuanganpai
    2009年9月全国大学生数学建模获奖论文所需程序代码,其中有较详细的matlab编程,应该有些用处吧(September 2009 Mathematical Contest in Modeling program code required for award-winning paper, including more detailed matlab programming, it should be of some use)
    2010-09-07 13:27:52下载
  • sperlich_roland_200508_phd
    一个matlab编写的基于volterra行为模型的数字预失真仿真程序。(Volterra matlab writing a behavioral model based on the number of pre-distortion simulation program.)
    2010-11-21 21:51:34下载
  • costas
    柯斯达斯实现载波恢复costas m-file (costas m-file costas m-file )
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