首页 » Visual C++ » VC-DEFINE-MESSAGE


于 2011-05-31 发布 文件大小:8KB
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  应用程序开发中利用WINDOWS的消息机制实现自定义消息来实现特定的功能!已经通过测试!对学习VC以及了解其运行机制很有帮助!(VC WINDOWS DEFINE MESSAGE )



0 个回复

  • day
    openGl大作业,包含光源,移动物体,简易动画,纹理场,建筑等。(openGl large operations, including light, moving objects, simple animation, texture field, construction and so on.)
    2020-09-13 13:47:58下载
  • Win32asm
    win32的书籍,还可以,需要的可以下载(win32 books, you can also need to be able to download)
    2012-08-25 15:06:16下载
  • nainiu
    奶牛健康管理系统!MFC界面,实现奶牛资料的录入、删除、更改、查询等操作!还有奶牛所属农场主的信息!可以输出资料到excel中!连接Access数据库!(Dairy Health Management System! MFC interface, data input to achieve cows, delete, change, query and other operations! There is information on dairy farmer-owned! Can export data to excel in! Connect Access Database!)
    2010-01-08 20:41:34下载
  • delaunaydemo
    生成delaunay三角网的源代码,以及演示demo(Delaunay triangulation generation of source code, and the demonstration of demo)
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  • longzoro-8.0-code-for-win
    Longzoro code for win 8.0
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  • I2C_Labview
    Labview 访问2线制数据i2C,值得研究(Labview access I2C)
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  • poj3941
    poj 3941 Hideyuki is allowed by his father Ujisato some 1000 yen bills every month for his pocket money. In the first day of every month, the number of bills is decided as follows. Ujisato prepares n pieces of m-sided dice and declares the cutback k. Hideyuki rolls these dice. The number of bills given is the sum of the spots of the rolled dice decreased by the cutback. Fortunately to Hideyuki, Ujisato promises him to give at least one bill, even if the sum of the spots does not exceed the cutback. Each of the dice has spots of 1 through m inclusive on each side, and the probability of each side is the same. In this problem, you are asked to write a program that finds the expected value of the number of given bills. (poj 3941 Hideyuki is allowed by his father Ujisato some 1000 yen bills every month for his pocket money. In the first day of every month, the number of bills is decided as follows. Ujisato prepares n pieces of m-sided dice and declares the cutback k. Hideyuki rolls these dice. The number of bills given is the sum of the spots of the rolled dice decreased by the cutback. Fortunately to Hideyuki, Ujisato promises him to give at least one bill, even if the sum of the spots does not exceed the cutback. Each of the dice has spots of 1 through m inclusive on each side, and the probability of each side is the same. In this problem, you are asked to write a program that finds the expected value of the number of given bills.)
    2013-07-16 20:45:28下载
  • stc12pwm
    这个c程序用于12c5a60s2单片机产生pwm ,并通过按键调节pwm脉冲宽度。(This c program is used to generate 12c5a60s2 microcontroller pwm, and through the key regulator pwm pulse width.)
    2013-05-23 19:11:56下载
  • Priority
    说明:  在Windows操作系统中,任务是有优先级的,本程序演示了不同的线程按照优先级来运行。(In the Windows operating system, the task is a priority, the program demonstrated a different thread to run in accordance with priority.)
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  • Server
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