本文以“学生信息管理”系统雏形为例子,介绍在MFC下如何使用ADO连接数据库编程,并给出示例代码。下面内容第一至四节介绍如何采用ADO连接数据库、关闭数据、执行sql语句及如何用另一种方式执行常用的select语句。第五节介绍如何使用Datagrid控件:建立_RecordsetPtr对象与Datagrid控件之间的绑定,通过改变_RecordsetPtr对象的内容更新数据库表的记录。第一至四节的内容请参考代码“CtrlListDatabase.rar”,第五节内容请参考“Datagrid.rar”请同学们结合ADO.NET课程内容自主学习,将所学到的技术应用到项目实训中。(In this paper, " Student Information Management" system prototype as an example, describes how to use ADO connection MFC database programming, and gives sample code. The following section describes how the contents of the first four databases using ADO connection, turn off the data, and how to execute sql statements in a different manner commonly used in select statements. Section V describes how to use Datagrid control: the establishment of _RecordsetPtr object and Datagrid binding between controls, the contents of the object by changing the _RecordsetPtr update the database tables. The contents of the first four sections, please reference code " CtrlListDatabase.rar" , please refer to section V, " Datagrid.rar" ask someone with ADO.NET independent study course, will have learned techniques to project training in .)