首页 » Visual C++ » binocular_stereo_measuring


于 2007-09-27 发布 文件大小:697KB
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  通过两台相机拍摄的立体像对完成对目标的快速实时测量,用于构建道路交通等数据快速采集系统。(Through two three-dimensional camera for the completion of the goal as fast real-time measurement, used to build road traffic, such as rapid data acquisition system.)








0 个回复

  • FingerPrintDlg
    指纹图像处理包括梯度处理、方向场处理、平滑处理、智能增强处理等(The fingerprint image processing including gradient processing, direction field processing, smooth processing and intelligent enhancement processing, etc)
    2011-04-30 19:28:34下载
  • ShapeRecognition
    Shap Context based Shape recognition
    2010-05-12 14:15:29下载
  • opencv249SIFT
    opencv SIFT源码详细分析,代码能够准确实现(opencv SIFT detailed analysis of the source code can achieve accurate)
    2015-07-13 20:33:10下载
  • SiftSearch
    基于Sift算法开发商标图案匹配程序,(1)各个CBIR模块及其技术; (2)Sift算法及其在图像匹配、目标识别中的应用; (3)Sift算法在图像检索中的应用。 (Sift algorithm development based on pattern matching program mark (1) Each CBIR module and its technology (2) Sift algorithm and its application in image matching, object recognition application (3) Sift algorithm in image retrieval applications.)
    2009-09-28 12:03:28下载
  • CS
    说明:  SAR-CS成像算法实现,包含运动补偿,速度估计,对0.15m实测数据成过像(SAR-CS imaging algorithms, including motion compensation, the estimated speed of 0.15m measured data into a cross as)
    2008-02-27 20:27:10下载
  • MyNewReProject
    点云读取,旋转,平移,缩放,统统是包含全视图的各种视图的显示(Point in put)
    2010-12-10 13:48:03下载
  • keypointDetection
    点云关键点搜索,根据曲率极值法搜索关键点(PCL:keypoint detection, used for registration and segmentation)
    2017-12-28 14:02:11下载
  • SiftGPU-V370
    说明:  使用gpu、cpu并行进行sift算子计算匹配,能够在原来的基础上加速处理,但对显卡要求较高,具体环境配置使用方法可以参照mannual(SiftGPU is an implementation of SIFT [1] for GPU. SiftGPU processes pixels parallely to build Gaussian pyramids and detect DoG Keypoints. Based on GPU list generation[3], SiftGPU then uses a GPU/CPU mixed method to efficiently build compact keypoint lists. Finally keypoints are processed parallely to get their orientations and descriptors. SiftGPU is inspired by Andrea Vedaldi s sift++[2] and Sudipta N Sinha et al s GPU-SIFT[4] . Many parameters of sift++ ( for example, number of octaves, number of DOG levels, edge threshold, etc) are also available in SiftGPU. The shader programs are dynamically generated according to the parameters that user specified. SiftGPU also includes a GPU exhaustive/guided sift matcher SiftMatchGPU. It basically multiplies the descriptor matrix on GPU and find closest feature matches on GPU. Both GLSL and CUDA implementations are provided. )
    2011-02-23 10:20:27下载
  • 5c0ca027bb58
    meanshift 图像分割及平滑 包括meanshift的论文及ppt(Code for the Edge Detection and Image Segmentation system and the paper)
    2012-03-06 23:19:42下载
  • SLIC
    超像素分割程序,既有原码,也有可执行程序,验证过,好用。(Super-pixel segmentation procedure, both the original code, there are executable programs, proven, easy to use.)
    2021-01-18 16:08:42下载
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