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于 2012-04-26 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  相移光纤光栅长度变化仿真,matlab,(matlab simulink FBG.)



0 个回复

  • filter
    一阶无限冲激响应低通滤波器和一阶无限冲激响应高通滤波器,用matlab计算并画出它们的增益响应(First order IIR low-pass filter and the first order IIR high-pass filter, using matlab to calculate and draw them gain response)
    2010-11-14 01:02:39下载
  • fdtdforPBG
    MATLAB环境下基于FDTD方法光子晶体能带计算程序,有可调参数,运行速度快。(Photonic Cystal bands)
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  • FINAL_CBIR_1187556
    CBIR project using shape moment color
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  • 1phase-1phasecycloconverter
    Abstract :- Single-phase Cycloconverters are used for AC-AC power conversion particular for speed control of AC drives. In this work the Single-phase to single phase cycloconverter is simulated in simulink with the loads as R-Load, RL- Load & 1 phase split phase Induction Motor. Thyristors are used as the power switches during this work.
    2010-10-27 00:40:30下载
  • fs_neighbor
    fuzzy rough sets or fuzzy mutual information
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  • butworthfilter
    设计一个滤波器滤除正弦信号中的噪声,还原正弦信号。正弦信号为sin100t,噪声信号是均值为0、方差为1的高斯白噪声。信号采样频率为2000 Hz。(The design of a filter to filter out the noise in the sinusoidal signal, restoring the sinusoidal signal. Sinusoidal signal sin100t, and noise signal with mean 0 and variance 1 Gaussian white noise. Signal sampling frequency of 2000 Hz.)
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  • Matlab-toolbox-source-Data
    matlab pst test system data in matlab
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  • alignment
    WGS-84 -> ECEF ECEF -> WGS-84 极坐标系 -> ECEF ECEF -> 极坐标系(WGS-84-> ECEF ECEF-> WGS-84 polar-> ECEF ECEF-> polar)
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  • LiZiqun
    这是一个基于粒子群算法来寻找图片上的园的圆心,通过自己设置参数,可以在较短的时间内较为精确的找到一个图所有圆的圆心(It is used to find the location of circles in a complicant map. For this fuction, you can set some paraement yourself and it will return the result in a very short time. )
    2011-05-07 14:20:00下载
  • kernel-ICA
    The kernel-ica package is a Matlab program that implements the Kernel ICA algorithm for independent component analysis (ICA). The Kernel ICA algorithm is based on the minimization of a contrast function based on kernel ideas. A contrast function measures the statistical dependence between components, thus when applied to estimated components and minimized over possible demixing matrices, components that are as independent as possible are found.
    2011-12-02 14:47:46下载
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